When you see the System message that says The Snake Isle Dungeon Race has begun. You can talk to the nearest Adventure assistant as long as you are lvl 40+ and either run the race or use a mount to complete the 3 laps. and the course is visibly marked so you wont get lost :D and talk to the pillars in the start with the…
ok well see, i read it after that for my BMs Genie >_> and i got Earthquake, Tangling Mire, and Tree of Protection... and like, that seems to be the best support skills for an AoE BM, Earthquake knocks mobs back, Tangling Mire AoE reduces p def, and Tree of Protection is just a godly heal... i just wanna kill a lvl 21 mob…
yeeeeaaaah.... i was about to do it when i realized i have to download some random stuff... so ill just leave all the other ticketeers to help y'all get your problems fixed.
wow.... alright, ill check em out then, and i did the whole ticket dealio.. not sure how much that will help, but there ya go >_>;;
*cough* then dont set up shop? *cough*
i have tried both, i used Ctrl + Alt + delete to make sure i had nothing else running, and that was fruitless, so i restarted twice now to maybe get that up and running, i even reset our router. and still nothing happens, im sorry
ok... you KNOW thats just asking to be flooded with pointless tickets that all say "our ptcher client says "client running, unable to proceed with update" we're already told you what's wrong, is there any way you can fix it?
hmmm thats really weird, im having the same general problem as most people, i have version 136 up to date, but when i bring it up its says Client Running, Unable to proceed with update. do you have any suggestions as to what may fix this?
indeed you are cool to do anything you did origanally ^_~
If you would be so kind as to add the following please. Shi'atora vCloudv N/A Thank you in advnace ^_^
with a makeover scroll, you basically go back to when you first made your character and can change facial features, hair, eyes, colors, body design, everything just like before. Some things, however, require an Advanced Makeover Scroll, so you will be somewhat limited in your modifications.
nah im totally with you on this one, they have a Auction House, what need is there for Kitty Shops? most people, it seems, would have 2 computers running at once to use one for their shop, or you would have hundreds of shops up with players that NEVER PLAY. so SERIOUSLY Auction House or Kitty Shops PWI, i think its time…