Keyven - Lost City Arc User


  • I just want to know why you banned people at all after stating before it was fixed about 2months before it was fixed. That no one would get banned for it and it was PWE's fault, concidering by that point it was used by probably 90% of every server. I also remember FrankieRaye making the post, think it was in response to…
  • I'm currently trying to find the post. Frankie has so many. Should of ss'd it at the time. So funny though, private servers will get all the players now, if not the newer mmos being released this year. The amusing thing is they are banning 90% of the population thats over 102/103 legit or not it seems
  • ikr im starting to wish i did, still brings into question why the hell they ban 6months after they fix the glitch tho lol? after like so many months of GMs saying it was fine to do it.
  • Seven day ban atm. Somewhat sad on Lost City server concidering 90% of the server did this. Not entirely sure why they're doing it now concidering about 9months ago FrankieRaye posted that the goon glitch was 'legal' and they wouldnt ban for it seeing as so many had already used it to level to 105 and such. Brilliant…
  • Andres that's probably the most logical and correct statement ive seen in the last 4 days. Needles to say, PWE is highly efficient at **** up its own product, so don't hold your hopes up. As I'm sure at next maintaince it's only going to get worse. I'll be amazed tbh if the company even exists in the next 12-18months. Let…
  • Oh just because a 5/sec bm is the easiest to farm nirvana [which is now nerfed] and hh with. & my original char before the bh system was ever implimented was 9x within the first 8months of Lost City being up. + we now have the majority of the server at 10x and almost all the people in the largest guilds have 1-full sets of…
  • The whole thing is badly implimented and just goes to show PWE is a joke. I wonder if the whole thing is just one rich kid getting teenage interns to program it all. It's quite frankly ****, there's more grace in graffiti and arson than in this new UI. Saying that maybe if we trashed the devs & gms homes they'd get the…
  • I'm sorry BarbHammer but I haven't cash shopped a sent. & I've hit lvl99 in 7weeks... I know the quests through n through [not my only high level char] TW salary funded hypers for this one once it hit level90. HH the only fashioned way and the rediculous BH system for levelling up and earning money. Now no one seems to be…
  • Would it not be easier to just go and murder the devs gms & board of directors.. It seems only something so extreme would ever get the point across that they've ruined their own pay check. I hope PWE is forever more known as a Greedy provider of low quality games that constantly do the opposite of what their comunity…
  • I'm fully aware of what that kind of money can acomplish in the real world. Still though off the top of my head atm I can probably think of almost 200 people that have spent that much. What some people decide to spend is entirely up to them, just like real life game life on a cash shop based game will have all walks of…
  • Michael_dark although I don't always agree with you, you're 100% right. The system before was perfectly fine, the only refinements they really needed to make were: 1. limit the amount of lvl100s the strongest guilds can field against lesser guilds in TW. 2. scrap packs, make the contense farmable. 3. limit the amount of…
  • The major differences I keep seeing pop up is that Lost City and the other servers have next to nothing in common. The only thing this patch has done is upset everyone. I mean Lost City has some of the heaviest cash shoppers in pwi. People spending from $20,000 upto $150,000 EACH. The only thing that this has managed to do…
  • It seems to me they're far more intent on upsetting their comunity than ever fixing the bugs and ensuring the quality of the game. This new interface is ill thought out and badly implimented. This sizing is wrong it pulls the eyes the menus in Guild list and Friendlist overlap as do they in the system bars and other…
  • The only thing you've managed to do with this patch is taint all versions with the same brush. It just makes it look like you're incapable of disinguising the difference between the versions. & the difference between the requirements of the players from the different versions. It's incredibly foolish to state you're trying…
  • sadly charmed in TW I've watched NyKage and Zerhee stun aoe and drop 10-20 people while charmed and uncharmed... and the only thing I've ever seen drop them is mages like Ehee.... When you're dealing with people that can one hit you with almost any skill because their gear is +10 11 or 12... Charmed or uncharmed you're a…