Marrow is the only reason i find BMs to be somewhat managable at this point. Physical marrow? Bramble Rage = dead. Magic Marrow? who fights a sin with magic marrow...
lol sorry if I worded it weird I do wear full r9 + 12... and so are my ornaments. I do have a cube badge at +10 atm and a couple of +10 sky cover rings... Its just ridiculous how much dmg BM does... the 10k was a crit, no zerk.
I <3 you Kiyo I <3 you
Funny how you say that. The bosses that heal while attacked (SoT etc.) have no effect whatsoever on r9+12 sins.. I still hit them for more dmg than they can heal. Yes during that phase it makes my dmg negligent but its overall health still goes down. Not sure if ppl notice it.
FC Glitch doesn't work anymore And I can't help but notice the OP either copied my name or its complete coincidental.
Most recent fail. Killed final boss in FF but wondered why the heck did it take so long. Turns out I had full r9 rather than aps. Worst part, I had CotD on. P.S. fail part was the fact that I didnt' notice Worst fail of all time. Got super excited from pk'ing at west I forgot my SL was off and dropped my G15 dags.
Nothing really bothers me too much in this game anymore except... When you head out to West Arch (PK enabled) and some toon dashes over (believing that you're an easy picking) to try and kill you. What happens? I kill them. Then for the 5 hours, I get PMs from the same dude QQ'ing about how noob I am and that it was a…
Not sure if Kawai would agree with me but, if your after best for pvp and pve. DoT you aps gear. If you have money to spend, JOSD your g16/r9.
Wolf-->triple spark-->inner-->mire-->frenzy-->subsea-->condense thorn (adds like 1% more dmg lol)-->Earthen Rift = GG and Maybe because ur wife's gear is better? or better refined weapon?
Well that entirely depends if you have enough refines. At +10, you generally don't need further health; therefore atklvls would make more sense. Besides, at 5.0 (I assume you are demon), the more dmg you do, the better.
U will not kill any class albeit Arcane or HA that have full r9 josd +10 or 12, in an instant.
To answer your question, at least to my knowledge. A fully refined aps sin with end game dags (r9+12 or g15 with int +12), will have far greater dps than a fully refined, full r9 sin; However, if u put them head to head in a duel or PK, full r9 with josd will pwn the other sin. Even if u demon spark + enrage + all that…
I don't understand why they can't just make pk in sp a bannable offence until the fix is implemented...