if your talking about the demon blessing of the purehearted, IH, and chromatic healing beam(all give MP while healing), HP and MP combined it is only to the target not both. Vangaurd spirit & Magic shell gives your target and yourself Chi when cast. plus Purify doesn't cost Chi when cast in demon. but if Sage is more you…
they won't fix that since it's random what you get, so no they won't fix it so females get female fash and males get males. I sent in a ticket about this the first time i got male, and thats what they told me. so nope not gonna be fixed deal with it.
I went demon on my cleric because you when you IH you give the person MP as well so if your healing someone that uses alot of MP(like a barb) you keep there MP up while healing so they don't need to pot as much for MP. You also give yourself and another person chi with 2 of your demon buffs. Kay
I just got on the game just now and the npc's are still there on HT
the npc's are still there on HT server.
I know in fact ALOT of aps barbs went sage. my hubbies barb can take aggro from them anytime. im not saying you don't now how to play your class, my hubbies barb knows how to play every class too.
What are you talking about?? Here is the NPC's: this is on HT South district across from the banker
I was able to complete the gold one just now
And I disagree with you, my hubby's barb is a demon barb and i bet he can hold aggro longer then you. and demon roar or flesh ream i forgot which now gives barb a bramble like a veno's bramble. and no he isn't a claw barb, he is a TRUE barb
I guess you want to die if channeling got nerfed? Cleric's NEED the channeling to keep you guys alive. No channeling = more deaths
My hubby is a Seeker and he has only died like 3 times since we got married due to my lag you just have to watch ur heals at first but otherwise you are safe.