any info about the item that was supposed to be sent when descent came out ? sry if this has already been answered
i loved using genie lure back before everyone figured it out/were told how it works. ppl were all like WTF HOW DID YOU PULL THAT. im just like ...cause im just that awesome MAUHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH
*pks u for making causal talk when the snowmen are atking* pick up ur ***** dags and help with the war :O RAWR!!!!!
*cough* yes *builds a brick wall in front of the login screen and paints it to look like the login screen*
for some reason i seem to find that unlikely
that rat is cute ? does he/she have a name :O ?
*logs in and spams the refresh button on the ah for 3-4 days*
yes you can, if you use a reset all note all pionts that would go to 3 or lower instead go to 3. yes while the default is 5 you can make it 3 if u want to spend some money. which alot of higher lvs do when they want to put all the points they can into a certain stat. like my barb has 3 magic.
*faces the sky with mouth open and eyes closed*