Karla - Harshlands Arc User


  • very interesting that somehow a Crimson member knows about an alledged banning of another guild. yet this "brave" person doesn't post from his main b:chuckle must be a thing from the PVE server. funny thing is i see both of these "botters" in world chat a lot. also see Crimson whining about getting pk d by QQ me in WC.…
  • update on respectable guilds: BloodCult is a force to be reckoned with. high levels and pretty decent players. they don't seem to mess around with a lot of trash talking. helpful guild with FB's. potential to be the most respected guild on the server. Kingdom seems to be racing right along with good team work and hard…
  • nice to see Lessie still here attempting to troll. i guess you must be a member of Crimson. which is probably not very good PR for them. i think that the guild that will hold together the best is going to be the one with that keeps thier guild a tight group and enforces thier policies. my fav at the moment for keeping a…
  • Lessie i truly love it that you make yourself look stupid. saves me the work and i love to be lazy. just look at my level on HL b:thanks i guess you missed the part of the post that said they did well even when out leveled and out numbered? i would consider that unfair war. but then again i am talk to the fail Lessie of LC…
  • i think Pend is the most respectable. they can pvp well even when out numbered and out leveled. and since this is a pvp server that is kind of the point b:chuckle with enough members i can see them taking CrimDom down a bit. Bloodcult - they have leveled up and own land. not sure about pvp skills but i don't see a lot of…