Kanisha - Lost City Arc User


  • strangest request ever. was in a frost run in the middle of tank gathering the entire room when i get a bunch of pms. (mind you i have auto reply on "In middle of frost pm me later") same pearson asking me to leave my frost run to rez him in a hell. after we cleared the room i told my squad to w8 one second so i could talk…
  • I have two things to say to this. 1) If they take off wthout the cleric they deserve to die. 2) ive said it once ill say it again There is a time and place for everything. You dont try to rez when ppl are alive you heal them. U dont bb if u dont need to bb (especially when u are tanking)
  • Narn, Doom you two are briliant i wish i had thought of those laws b4. hope u dont mind i think im gonna quote all 6 laws during game play rofl.
  • I like your guide i wish i had found it b4 i lvled a bunch of useless skills. However ild like to give a lil constructive critisism. razor feathers-yes this is a nice aoe, when it actually goes off. if ur gonna use this i sugest u dont let anything breath on u bc it seams to b easily disrupted. i stoped lvling this skill…
  • For the record i wish my lvl 10 cyclone hit this hard
  • Plume shell is awesome. But I have often wished my 86 cleric was la. (especially when im helping in a friends bh89 or a frost run where i tend to get my but kicked by those phys mobs) the only prob with plume shel is the 11 seconds. if u are getting hit hard enough to need plume shell odds are once it goes away u wont last…