Make friends with a veno or just make a veno yourself. You can tame a snow hare easily for yourself. I only charge 100-150 k for hares to friends just to cover the cost of making it
Demon for me >.>. I have nothing against the sage skills, but my thought is im a psy, i'm meant to be squishy, why try to be more durable when i can double aqua cannons attack and get a sexy red spark lol.
I just throw my beedrill at them and spam skills, they tend to die before they even make it to me. I hate water mobs more, but thats what i have my booberella for(undine supremeXD)
I do tt, fb's bh's Tw everything just fine with my cleric and shes a pure build like yourself. Its all about how you play your class, where you place yourself, just general knowledge and skill. Might i suggest you max plume shell and learn when you need to throw it on to survive, blue bubble too the moment you can get your…
+1 I back up heal with bubble when its needed, and any tank that doesn't want empowered vigor, is an idiot.
Lol yeah it wasn't because of same type, i pay very close attention to types. It was like my big toe in the water lol. Swamp of the wraiths, the waters kinda everywhere
They are hidden, for fear that the general public might see it and run in fear at our insane pvp skills >.>
My first character was a cleric and i did just fine, but if this is your first mmorpg ever, i would go for something less stressful right off the bat. Pro and con time Pros: As a cleric you will find it very easy to get into parties ,if a party is held up its usually looking for either a kitteh, or a cleric Despite what…
Lol just let the stupids die and rez them, if they yell, leave. Your a cleric, you can find a party quicker than any of them (maybe not the barb..about the same). When people are being aggro hungry ho bags, let them die and allow the tank to pick up aggro. Same goes for if the tank is to stupid to ream everything. If he…
Get land slide. I cant remember if you need culti for it, but if you have an orange quest, do it. If not after that you still cant get it, its because you need spirit or money. Once you get it. Aqua impact---> Spirit ----> Land slid>repeat. You should be fine as long as you dont pull multiple aggro. If you STILL have…
Just laugh and walk away from people like that. I get the same thing on my veno or my cleric. Some of the people i duel actutaly say its cheating because i heal myself with a cleric , what the hell do you expect. They also say plume shell is cheating -.- not cheap, CHEATING lol. It comes at a cost- .- and that cost…
Lol nu, i really wont
Ugh ignore this i fail at getting out what im trying to say today , sleep time
KanariaRoses foolproof guide to beating a sin: 1.) Find some form of disguise, perhaps a baby snow hare costume. 2.) Follow the sin and wait until it goes afk, un aware of the danger lurking within the seemingly innocent bunny. 3.) Once the sin has gone afk, BURST forth from your furry disguise and throw every skill you…
I share Crow's love for red tide, along with soul burn and bubble of life >.> im used to being a healer lol
I've always thought of it like this. Psys are powerful at full spark, but wiz are powerful over all at all times. Usualy if a psy and a wiz face off and the psy has full sparks, the psy will win, but if they are both out of chi, the wiz will win. Thats what ive observed/heard
Your old armor must have had stats for +magic. Once you take that armor off, you loose the effects it gave you
I'm just glad im not the only one who thinks that he was crazyXD. I mean call me crazy but arcane armor clerics have like 100 or more points into magic and you know..magic=damage and heals of wonderfulness He was just terrible over all, i finished the run with him and he would run into a hord of say 3 mobs and NOT aoe, so…
The simplest solution is to cozy up to a veno and hide behind her pets as you cast your long channel flashy spells at the mobs. >.>
I just meditate and do other things, face etc while i wait to regain mp. Befriending a cleric with celestial guardians seal will make meditating to full mp take about 2 mins. OR if you invest in gathering herbs there a powder that makes your mp regain increase by 50 per sec...meditated + that = full mp in…
I give this warning to every new cleric i see, so your no exception :D. The cleric class is very trying most days. First off its a bit tricky to get the hang of if your new to mmorpgs, babysitting all the other people is no easy job but youll get used to that. Another curse of the cleric are **** players. You really need…
I like psy to the other harder hitting classes because were tricky as all hell. Calling us weaker is just wrong. Were set apart from the other mages because of our buffs and debuffs of doom! As ive said before, hitting a psy is about as appealing as shaking up with a cactuar. If you hit a psy with full buffs, youll suffer…
Yay you have the same wings as me, pretty right?XD. You go into hasted flight by pressing E and then clicking the icon that looks like the fly, but with lines behind it, this will put you into hasted flight for as long as the stamina lasts or until the next time you click the icon. They sadly never recharge on their own,…
Welcome to perfect world and the cleric class, yay! I'll just point out a few things off of the top of my head. One of the bothersome things about perfect world is it seems to encourage you to need to rely on others. I myself like to do things alone most of the time, but its REALLY not an option for most classes (venos are…
1.) One of the forges will turn one mirage into 2 dice tickets for you. 2.) You can complete the cube once a day, but you can try for as long as you want without completing/leaving i think 3.) A 3 assuming your talking about mice bashing to train pets
It says it last 15 seconds and it doesXD Try spamming it on yourself when you have full hp then getting hit by a mob, your hp bar will do a little dance lol
It has its uses, but it really is better to use in the later levels when your gear is enough to juice it up nicely. Thunderball---> sleep = sleeping player taking damage, its fun to play with never the less lol
I've never gotten why people dislike them so much, they are a perfectly usable build. I do TT with a LA veno from time to time on my cleric, and i barley have to pay her any notice. Everyone says that it makes you week in both physical def and magic, i always thought of it as it makes you moderate in both instead of…
I think if your willing to do that for perfect world, the money would be better spent on therapy XD
Fastest way to get a herc is a credit card or paypal account >.> wut