Jsteno - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • hey goto love all the views were getting lol . when did all hell break lose ? i don't remember ever breaking hell lose over that ? and besides i could say tempest is a better match for u guys too but dont see ya in a rush to hit them either b:laugh but either way its all good i think we gave the forums enough drama for the…
  • ok im missing something which dosent surprise me lol Now we all know when a map resets its a free for all to grab what land you can and where you can then fater the culling of the herd happens so to speak then you start to see the fun battles between those who are left . i mean no one expects u guys and tempest to go at it…
  • Well not letting the cat out of the bag per say on what were doing and who were doing it with . Can't say much since i'm not trix but i do know we wanted these 3 lands and yes we knew Fatal love was easy target but we really didn't expect Vanquish to be that easy they use to give us longer tw fights if your remember. Guess…
  • Not picking on this quote but needed one to post . Id say the following players need to be considered also for a seeker id have to include CeeFoo as for archers you can't leave off kismassa if youve ran w her as i have enough said. For barbs i will say id gladly stack myself agasisnt any other 22k hp out there but thats my…
  • So far everyone's that's bid on land has been able to beat the mobs.
  • Bring it lol but ull have to stand in line our dance card is full atm
  • Don't hold ur breath as much as wed all like to see it happen rumor as them as allies. Even forged a alliance from what i heard. May not see there fight till end of 6 months
  • I like this one and can agree to its logic very easily. only ? would be had kindrid rebuilt after they split apart?
  • Bersey let me ask u this ? Tempest took on Famine and Arena 3 mins apart in TW . having faced spades and regen in a tw also they felt more closer to regen then to spades. Now they made it fun for both factions but if they wanted too ur talking them taking each fac out in 5-10 mins max . Now honest ? ican Spades pull the…
  • Ashivas I didnt base it on ganks i said i didnt i based it on faction a lasting a hour agaisnt faction b simple as that hence hwy i grouped regen dyna tempest together in no order other then that they could last that amount agaisnt each ohter in a one on one
  • ur funny bersey taking class like that w gladio u made a funny lol . but i could have said tiers lvls any word would have worked. just saying each class the factions in it have the best fights fighting each other then say a class up or down is all. As to the top 6 rankings its close but regen has to be #1 based on them…
  • Whatever bersey nice try. Unless u guys lose a bunch of people ur class 2 . As to Niner I based it on Tempest vs Regen and Spades vs Regen In most fights Tempest lasted longer then Spades and how they both handled Ganks in the past . Its a fluid ranking of course . I'd love to see a Tempest Spades 1 vs 1 maybe with reset…
  • They have been gearing back up w members for the reset . Seen alot of high lvls that used to be in other factions w there logo now. So have them at class 2 until they fight
  • yep i can say for a fact that's what were doing . our leader didn't want a tw w it being a holiday weekend.
  • 20:00 - Gladio attacks Regenesis, Dragon Wilderness 20:03 - Dynasty attacks Regenesis, Hidden Orchid 20:06 - Spades attacks Regenesis, Silk Ridge ok im not sure whats the ? but this is a simple allocation of forces is all to make this happen . say regen pulls 120 for tw's just saying if they do then this is a way they…
  • OK i didn't explain it right which i do sometimes so my bad lol . what i meant and should have said was tempest wants there land back which they had lost to booty awhile ago was all. I knew back then booty did a polite thing and fig tempest might return the favor if not famine might have but either way sets up a good fight…
  • yes we did berserker and those who know me know i cant type worth a lick lol maybe its too many blows to the head being a barb who knows lol. we've also held land against several diff factions also .
  • Ok lets see if your going to bash a faction which is funny since im betting ur view of that faction is biased a bit but o'well not a big deal but to a point u said them hitting booty makes perfect sense.But as u posted why don't they want a fun tw or join the regen gank or try devoted again well its quite simple if u think…
  • I mean whats a Faction got to do not to be yeller lol we lost took a week off come back and got same dumb color . whats up w that b:angry
  • it's ok not like we all don't know who won anyways lol. But dose sometimes helps with posts though
  • Ok really where's the results lol . Someone is slacking :) We could see a interesting fight if spades can take one more land from regen then hit IT. But other then that its either off the map factions hitting or everyone on map hitting regen really.
  • I know where the same way why waste the money on a bid if you can't pull the numbers to make it a good fight.
  • come now ivy where's your input on this :) we all know by know but Famine won in 3 hours . But here's some interesting food for thought . What would the PW odd makers haven given Famine to win against warMonger? 2-1 3-1 under dogs? Could have banked off that bet. But this week sets up a interesting TW's possibly. Since…
  • Go Trixxy my wifey go lol