Considering that the rewards from the previous season still haven't been given out, not to mention the fact that we still lack a non-temporary CM, I'd say you can probably expect your TW rewards sometime between "several years from now" and "never".
Spirit Dance isn't a passive, it's an active 1-hour self-buff. You'll find it in the bottom-right of the skills window, under "Item Skills." Also, it's 105 spirit with 1 coin, not 100.
No. You can't be wearing any fash and none of it changes.
Support is off their rocker if they told you that 32-bit is incorrect. There is no such thing as a 24-bit bitmap with an alpha layer (there's technically a method whereby the bottom-left pixel is counted as the "transparent color", but that isn't what we're looking for here). PWE has been accepting 32-bit ARBG bitmap files…
My guess is they looked at some other games, where you can buy almost-max level for ~$60, and said "Hey, let's do that too!" What they seem to be ignoring is that on PWI, getting "near max level" is nowhere near equivalent to having access to endgame/current content or avoiding most of the grind. You'd be spending $60 to…
best sheep
If you're saving it with an alpha layer, it should be 32-bit. The point is that it should be 8 bits per channel (whether that's RGB [24-bit] or RGBA [32-bit]). Also, yeah, the website submission for the icon doesn't work. Just put in a support ticket for it.
My guess is they just can't be upgraded. Note that they require lv12 (where the base of the "normal" gems requires lv8) and that they don't state that they can be combined like the "normal" ones do.
Lucky Coin: 85.0085% Golden Coin: 0.051% Perfect·Token of Best Luck: 2.975% Diamond of Tiger: 0.04% Diamond of Dragon: 0.04% Garnet Gem: 0.045% Sapphire Gem: 0.045% Citrine Gem: 0.045% Stone of the Savant: 0.045% Primeval Stone: 0.045% Pyro Stone: 0.81% Flood Stone: 0.81% Bloody Stone: 0.81% Brilliance Stone: 0.81% Yaksha…
It honestly sounds to me like they're just saying that every time it checks if it should tick charm or run autopot, it will now tick charm before doing autopot instead of the other way around (as it used to be). I would find it hard to believe that they would completely disable autopot until charm was on cooldown, that…
I'm just glad we're finally getting target-of-target. That's something I've been wanting in this game for years.
I believe this has been used as a tiebreaker in the past, yes.
Added last night's Ascend vs. Darkness_ TW (5/30/2015). Ascend's first TW in years! We only had something like 25ish people in the TW -- Ascend was restarted ~17 hours before TW cutoff.
That's fair. It's just maddening to go as long as we have without any real word on anything the community has been asking.
He's still done more for this game than any other PWE staff member has in months.
come by more often please
You're... joking... right? If both have 25k HP (charm tick after 12.5k), the psychic will die after 30 hits. The wizard will die after 38 hits. If you're honestly going to tell me you think there's no significant difference there... then you're right, why do you bother coming to these forums?
I don't know what Sanc looks like atm, but Archosaur is pretty much at that point already as it is. At least if we had a merge we wouldn't have 3/4 of the server's gear content with sitting in the one faction that's been dominating TW for two years now.
b:chuckle cute. I'll run the numbers when I get home tomorrow and have access to my script again. Would love to see how you interpret the results.
Vit-sharded toons will gain more HP from the passive, yes, but the passive HP gained on a jaded toon will have more defense backing it up, which you seem to be ignoring (whether deliberately or not, I can't seem to tell). Since that passive's advantage is multiplicative with both vits and jades, it scales evenly with…
Ultimately this is all it comes down to. Is it possible? Certainly. Will it happen? No. We can't even get a CM, you expect us to have server merges?
I decided to run the numbers on my own toon for ****s and giggles -- effective HP with no shards, immac citrines, vit stones, or JOSD: unbuffed and buffed. These numbers assume a defender with 64 defense levels unsharded (me with O'malleys) and an attacker with 135 attack levels (me with jones), and equal spirit. Taking…
It's the same frame as the quickbar -- re-changing your sysmodequickbar coordinates to 9999 will get rid of it. As for why it's re-appearing or why it's now displaying a different part of that frame... I have no clue.
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ S CHEST OR RIOTヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノo
You know, here I almost thought there was a forum on these boards that's used as a dumping ground for dead threads. Apparently not.
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Nuema Portal Or Riotヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
Now that you mention it, though, that would've been pretty awesome.
lolol ol olololol ololol And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why every now and then I still like to see what new dumbassery someone has cooked up to post on these forums.
- go crazy.
Can you even read? Even if your numbers had any basis in reality (I highly doubt they do -- implying our servers used to be over 5x as populated as they are now is asinine), those are numbers for pwi, not for pwcn. Like it or not, pwcn is flourishing, because it has adequate management.