JamieTaoLei - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Just bumping the thread along since it's been awhile. That idea doesn't work from what I could tell, but would be nice if PW does do an update to allow for custom seeking messages.
  • I too have noticed that the site is down for some reason. I thought it was a connection problem on my end but after seeing this post here, I'v come to realize it's not on my end, so I too am having this same problem loading the page sadly. Hopefully the issue can be fix and resolved quickly that I might again post and…
  • Please feel free to pm me in game or post a reply here if any of you are interested in joining. *smiles warmly* ^.^
  • Greetings to you all fellow RPers. I'v noticed now a lot of players from Sanctuary are coming here to this thread seeking a RP guild only to realize too late that this forum was intended for players whom are on Heavens Tears. *giggles* To help bump the thread and to clear up any confusion, anyone whom is interested in a RP…