Role Player's Guild on Sanctuary

JamieTaoLei - Sanctuary
JamieTaoLei - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
edited March 2009 in Guild Banter
Greetings all, I am new to the forums and still somewhat new to Perfect World.
I have searched high and low for a role player's faction in the Sanctuary Server but came up short. I'm not saying you are not there, however I had no luck finding you at the time.
With that said I created my own guild, TarotsRPG, as in Tarots Role Player's Guild.
I do not consider us a "Faction" so to speak. Factions tend to be OOC groups that consist of constant RL chat, PVP, and nothing more then **** & Slash.
Now granted, these "Factions" offer friendship, leveling, PVP, FB#??? whatever, territory wars, and much more. However they are all lacking one thing...Role Play.
Our "Guild" can provide all of that, though we are still new and growing, I created this guild with the idea in mind of bringing role players together into a single community. Simply because we are so far and few between. It's become a "needle in a haystack sort of situation."
I'm trying to unite us so that players like us have some sort of way of finding one another within the server, hence the RPG tag at the end of the name.
Finally with best regards to the members that have joined or to any whom are considering joining Role Play between members is optional not enforced. For better understanding of "rules and RP in general" I please read the following forum by Reshella (of whom I'd love to speak with sometime ) she gives a great example of RP to new players.
Thank you to all whom have joined and hopefully soon we'll have our own webpage in which I'll try to work on shortly.
Post edited by JamieTaoLei - Sanctuary on


  • JamieTaoLei - Sanctuary
    JamieTaoLei - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Please feel free to pm me in game or post a reply here if any of you are interested in joining.
    *smiles warmly* ^.^
  • stormyknight
    stormyknight Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Hello to you Jamie and to all whom may read this. I wanted to mention that RP outside the Guild is perfectly exceptable with those whom wish too, in other Factions or with those whom have none at all. *smiles*
    I'v thought about maybe if there is a way too use the seek squad funtion that makes the orange lettering appear above your head to say.
    "Lv39 Cleric seeking RolePlay" instead of seeking squad to find people that want to. *Dances and hopes it works*b:laugh
  • StormyKnight - Sanctuary
    StormyKnight - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2009
    Ah much better *laughs* I couldn't figure out why my Avatar was not showing and making my name in all lowercase. To bad they don't let us use our own character faces though *frowns*
    Maybe there is away to upload the image hmm?
    By the way when we get our own page up and running we want to have it to where the players' can list their bios: race, background, etc. so that everyone can get an idea how the characters interact with one another and the world.
  • JamieTaoLei - Sanctuary
    JamieTaoLei - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Just bumping the thread along since it's been awhile. That idea doesn't work from what I could tell, but would be nice if PW does do an update to allow for custom seeking messages.