ItzPaine - Lost City Arc User


  • Well this thread can be closed because like I said now that I don't lose anything if I don't fight back I could care less so enough with the spam and saying I'm a crybaby unless you really think you're a tough guy by saying those things.
  • I see a lot of RageQuit people tearing through people but who knows all I know is one day I'll be a part of the best PVP clan because that's awesome and if I may die I can just be a little ***** and run to a city and call my clan to save me.
  • Well to be completely fair Guys are stronger than girls so sadly it should stay that way with the carrying I mean yeah Venos carrying a Barbarian aint gonna happen I could understand a Cleric possibly because of the wings but in the end I see this at a tiny problem personally but the **** marriage would be nice seems how…
  • All right nevermind about the hit I found out that I don't lose EXP or items if I get PKed and don't fight back so it's no problem and he offered to let me PK him but some high level PKed him so whatever if you high levels think you're bad **** because you PK low level noobs then be my guess after all to each his own.
  • I have no problem with PK but it's rediculous how a Level 80 can attack a level 30 they really need to fix it to where you have to be withing 10 levels of each other because I didn't even do anything I was just questing and walking by and next thing I know I died and lost items that I worked hard to get that's just stupid…
  • If you get scammed then you deserve it because you should always pay attention there is nothing wrong with what those people did sorry for those of you who don't pay attention but it's a good lesson in life.
  • Glad to have you aboard I'll be sure to catch you once I find another master ball (they're hard to come by). JK I'll be sure to bug you if I need any help though.
  • I have a question lets say some random jack off PKs me then I can pay someone on here to PK them for me right and how much does it cost usually because I wont take kindly to getting random PKed by some high level noob who has nothing better to do.
  • Yeah I have poison problems myself I've died plenty because poison hurts more than my potions and spells heal it's very annoying and pisses me off.
  • LOL this thread is fail why are you arguing over what class is better it's a personal opinion and this is just a stupid game quit getting so worked up over it and about the Phoenix it may be the best pet ever but yeah anyone who spends 200$ of real cash better be rich because they are pretty pathetic for spending so much…
  • I love Cofee and soda I used to drink cofee at night when I'd get tired so I could play more Halo or COD but now I may drink it to keep playing PW but honestly at night I get pretty bored easily. When I do have soda I'd say 2 cans a day and at least 1 cup of coffe a day.
  • Well my current characters name ItzPaine is Paine from FFX-2 because she's pretty awesome and Paine was already taken so I decided to put the now common Itz in front of it.
  • You may have changed servers accidentally click on your avatar at the top of the forums and check the server then make sure to log into that server.
  • Well that's dissapointing to here but I guess there's nothing left in this thread so any mod is free to close it. Edit:For anyone who wants one go to the second point for it 196,513 at 6:00 I caught mine just a little bit ago at 6:00 and It's totally awesome.
  • Why is it that each time you pick your new character for your avatar that it has to reset your post count? I understant it's a different character but I'm still logged in as the same account.
  • All right thank you for the help luckily I'm a high enough level now.
  • How many frogs appear generally when the mob spawns? Also do I have to be level 9 in order to catch one seems how your pet can't be a higher level than you?
  • So are those coordinates correct for every server because I'm on a different server and also do those pets have higher stats than normal creatures because I plan on catching that frog personally seems how I'm a low level. Edit:NM about the stats I checked out the other thread and it has a link to all pets stats but I still…
  • Dang I didn't know kissing is good for venos I guess I'll have to start doing that but seem show people don't like it when you kiss and run I'll just have to kiss my friends.
  • I'll post my top 5 games in order 1. Secret Of Mana 2. Final Fantasy 7 (Vincent 4TW) 3. Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time 4. The Legend Of Dragoon 5. Halo 2 (I used to be better than the pros)
  • Where do I find a Golem at to catch anyways I'm a new Venomancer and want a nice solid pet.