HolyBowman - Lost City Arc User


  • *Flaming avoided for now* Really its a magical unknown region of the forums that really means nothing its not like 99.9% of this stuff is even going to be brought up in a board meeting someday the gms and PWI really have no say so in the coding of the game just the International servers and accounts so they very seldom…
  • looks like some one doesn't read all the forums here or they would know that male venos and female barbs will never be made
  • I hear French ladies have a lot of hair in the underarm area lol j/k I love the French
  • can you tell us all what 3 way embracing is that would be so, so awesome I mean so awesome it would blow peoples minds kinda awesome lol ^_^
  • IGN : HolyBowman Race/class: Elf Archer
  • XD all I have to say is lol at this
  • I'm not for or against **** and their love since its their life and I don't care what they do with it. I just don't like any big issue repeated over and over and in my face all the time when I'm trying to relax and play a game the easiest way to fix this is to take out all marriages in game so there would be no fighting on…
  • (puts up anti flame shield eat it flamers lol :P) I like it they charge up the energy to attack you but you kill them so its like a last attack kinda like it's revenge for killing it. In away its an act of honor when you fight someone if they hurt you enough to kill you but you don't die right away and are able to still…
  • I agree with you its easy to get coin in game you just have to take the time to get it just hunt for DQ items or if you see coin on the ground pick it up or mine crafting items to make things and sell them after you make them sounds like the topic starter is trying to be lazy :P
  • I know I practice this method and I mail to my other characters all the time for big and pricey items almost on a daily basis. Mailing isn't as pricey as you think at lest they don't charge depending on the item or coin plus when you get up there in level your coin will be to where you don't have to worry about the price…
  • I think there should be a change to some pets only the ones that are found in other areas like Undine are in water and ground (only one I can think of on 2 different terrains) other then that I think the system is fine we don't need to have say a sawfly in water or a Turtle in the sky thats weird it wouldn't need a new…
  • I would like to see higher stack limit myself I'm an archer and I have no healing skills and my attacks take mp and I am a pure dex build with little str for light armor reg. so I add no mag or vit to my stats so I buy/make a lot of pots and the 100 limit gets to be a pain when I grind or quest and have to stop and go all…
  • yes I agree with senovit on this its there to help players run away from monsters not have free kills on monster that cant attack back it would make gaining exp and quests and even drop hunting way too easy and every one on the servers would be lvl 95-96 and have butt loads of coin and items how fun would that be there…
  • have you seen the lag in game opening a web browser wold lag more imo the leaders put the website address in the little memo thing in guild window nice ida but they could add it after they fix lag for most players
  • It has to be Asian mythology and stuff related to Asia since it is a Fantasy RPG based on Asian myths and legends and culture. there are no female barbs or male venos in Asian culture from what has be stated many times on the forums so to ask for those 2 classes to be unisex is futile. And rangers are in the game just…
  • I have a barb and would love to have my barb turn into the animal it is and not a tiger and also it just makes good sense that a wolf would turn into a wolf or a panda into a panda and not a tiger or for venos to turn into a rabbit cat bat or what ever and not a fox as well unless your a fox then its fine its just weird
  • you shouldn't have so many areas if your crying and worried people are going to attack them all the time and worrying that there would be more then 1 TW on the same day thats the price of having a world empire you have to deal with the fact you will be working your butt off to keep it in check and out the hands of others.…
  • Yeah I agree theres a lot of room to add more battle pets to the cash shop and there is a lot of things to base the pets off of as well I would like something like this. A Floating Octopus: That flies to the foe and spins rapidly and has its 8 arms spinning around so fast smacking the foe over and over or it it can use…
  • I like it how it is its not hard to use anyone with a normal or larger brain can use it its not rocket science people mouse movement is great in fact and the hole wasd movement is to weird to use in an rpg like this imo though it is usable too just not as touch sensitive and as interactive as the mouse it.
  • I would like to see a Vampire (Jiang Shi an Asian Vampire) class/race out there they would kinda be a cross between a venomancer and cleric they would do spells that inflect wood and bleed damage and buffs and can heal them self off their enemy's hp/mp and they do some spells that send swarms of small but deadly bats at…
  • @ Emachines Just don't buy the Goose mount there are others out there to ride and how do you know that the other mount ideas you listed wont even come out it takes time to release new things they have to make them and also if they released every thing at once there would be nothing nw to keep people interested in the game…
  • yeah I agree the breaking of items just to unbind them is a waste of good items that would make a good profit off of or even giving them to good gaming friends or guildies if you don't need the money or it wont bring in much cash by selling it.
  • I have a tidbit to add to your idea if you don't mind. I seen this Idea on another game I use to play (wont say the name) where you use the games money and or online store money to "rent" out items for a period of time say you can rent out a flying mount or jacket or whatever you want or your thinking of buying for say 14…
  • I would agree with Poison its fine how it is if you cant kill your monster fast enough you either one get ksed and still get a bit of exp and gold or two dieand lose exp because nobody can help you kill it or even weaken it buy trying to ks it ksing is a part of the game don't resist it embrace it it make you wanna fight…
  • Technically all the servers are RP servers the game is a fantasy massively multiplayer online role-playing game so all servers count as an RP server and theres no limit really on any way to play it you can make your own story lines or what ever if you feel like it and are that creative and if you find people that want to…