If PWI ever actually did this, that would mean they actually listen to players about something, which would mean someone has divided by zero and the world is about to cave in on itself.
LMAo @ the trolls busting me for spending 330 bucks, and it's funny, the people trolling me are the ones who maxed out their credit cards for R9+12, coughroidabusecough, I've seen your toon, you sir need a real life.
If you have R9 +12 gear that means: You have no life outside this game, you have at least 1 maxed out credit card, you go around 1 hitting everyone - no wonder the game is no fun anymore, you ruined it on yourself. I can't get over how much money people spend on being all big and strong on an online MMORPG, like really, is…
Heavy metal = Angry killing music so therefore I listen to heavy metal.
The only thing PWE will give anyone on their birthday is an opportunity to give PWE more money. The end.
Ah now those were the good ol days, When there was some good TW action on the go. Some of the funnest TWs I've ever had were on my wiz Wrathchild in Leg fighting Nef back then.
Nitemare, From level 1-7? I can't even remember, Faction was created when Sanctuary was maybe a month old. Legendary from 70something till 95 or so. then back to Nitemare on this toon.
We hope this guide helps anyone intrested in trying rebirth alpha. I found this to be the most challenging and fun rebirth that I've tried so far. We'll be moving on to beta very soon so when we conquor it, we'll post a guide for that as well! I notice there haven't been any beta guides posted at all so we hope to shed…
Actually, we did our last run tonight and completed again. This time we used a third wizard instead of a BM. We'll make a guide some time and post it in the forums.
I hate forums I want this message to be deleted LOL
LMAO @ all these people making a big deal of letting someone use an account. So tell me, when you're away for a few days and say ask a friend to do your dailies, is that not the same thing?? He used my character for one run of rebirth alpha. Grow up and get a life
People need to stop b**ching and complaining about the bug. Some people found a way to make quick money, and you didnt, so you're gonna cry and complain and say you're gonna leave if they dont roll back. Get a life, go outside, get a girlfriend, ITS JUST A GAME. A rollback would solve problems, but would cause more…
Haha she's got an evil look to her. I'd give her a 3/5 on the hotness scale tho. Here's my creation, which I think is pretty original, i haven't seen any char like this in my almost 3 months of playing.