Rebirth Alpha Completed!!
The wow post
That was just ... b:pleased
I remember when we cracked Frostcovered city together when it was updated lilsera. We just went in their and choped our way through mobs and bosses. No one knew what to expect but we made it and it was just amazing. I have always had the most fun with you guys be it in rebirth's or frost or any other run. HellRaizer without a doubt is one of the best bm's on sanctuary and Indigo_Sky totally awesome. Congratulations on completing Alpha, definately worth celebrating b:victory
... oh and yes Morior!!b:thanks b:pleased
p.s. thanks everyone for your posts please don't let this turn into a flamewar. Post your alpha experiences and get a guide going, people could benefit from something like that.
Arrivederci!!0 -
*gets awfully sentimental after reading indi's post* Damn you know your way with words b:cute
@All of you who congratulated us, thank you very much, its the day after and im still glowing cause of it lol.
As for the questions on how we did it and what we've learned, im gonna try not to make it a endless post, but sorry if it does become a wall of text b:surrender
By far the most important thing i needed to do this, was the damn good friends that encouraged me to try (was a bit of a cave-chicken before we started this thing)
I cant stretch how much difference it makes to have people ingame/in faction that help you get more out of this game then just trying to level as fast as you can, as easy as you can.
Without hell and Indy i wouldve never done this, and i do beleive doing rebirth alpha made me a better cleric then before, so again a big thanx to those 2 that inspired me and were always there with tips and words of encouragement (and the spankings ofcourse :P)
One of the main things i have learned from this, and was amazed to see, is how darn good a squad can be when people communicate, listen to each other, and are dedicated to work together.
This is also why i would like to tell anyone who is at this level and hasnt tried this thing before to do try it, because you learn so much from it it would be a shame to let the opportunity pass just because you want to level fast. It may take (like it did with us) some weeks to beat it, but its so worth it.
As for the cleric part, what i learned is timing is so darn crucial, if you heal only a few seconds to early you can get your whole squad blown to pieces.
Never heal the barb before he gets the mobs into the aoe of the wizards, tho your first reaction is to be a little triggerhappy
2nd is be clear on who does what, that doesnt work for only the clerics but on the whole squad, as for clerics, know who heals who, and if you change that plan be clear about it. Reaction speed is vital, cause even if you dont see damage on the wizards yet, you can blink and find out that one of them died cause of a big load of agro at once.
We went for both clerics heal the barb after he gets the mobs into the aoe, spam ironheart a few times. Always check what wizard will do more damage and thus will get the most agro and therefore probably needs the most healing. In our case the other cleric switched to Violet fulltime, while I stayed on healing the barb and the other wizard. (and both spam ironheart on who ever else gets some agro, again reaction speed is vital, and even that wont stop a few deaths here and there :P)
(i still vote for a auto heal button so clerics get a pee break too :P)
Basically this thing is all about teamwork, and even if you havent done it before, if you listen well to people that have more experience and dont start making your own plan, you will get far. I think thats why most squads fail at some point.
Well it still became a wall of text, but i hope its usefull text, if not ask away and we will answerMy caracters:
Faith_z - 7x Cleric (main)
HaveFaith_z - 5x Veno
Ivory_Soul -3x Psychic
Dont give me an attitude, I got one of my own!
Saitadatude FTW :P0 -
Nice I love it; admit to violating the ToS on the forums, AND!!! provide picture evidence that the account sharing violation actually took place like you said... absolutely genius. b:victoryHeIIRaizer - Sanctuary wrote: »After over a month of dedication and practice we finally managed to conquor rebirth alpha. From what I know it has not been done yet on at least the sanctuary server. This is by far THE hardest rebirth level of them all. Realize you don't have BB, and you don't have barrage, or sharpened tooth arrow at this level. This is only possible with the help of the blessings, genies, and event hp food and alot of apothecary items. And of course the right squad of skilled people who know what they're doing.
Me and a few of my close friends had to fail many times to learn what to do and when to do it. I played the barb BambooAddict, my wife Indigo_Sky played the wizard VioletSpark, our good friend Faith_z played her cleric, and our other good friend and Faith's boyfriend ZaZzy played a cleric on another account of mine Seraphiraph, and our good friend FOLLADOR played his BM. We also had the help of a first timer wizard Halindaro, who did excellent for his first run.
If anyone has proof of them completing this level of rebirth I'd appreciate if they'd post their screenshot somewhere. Until then I will believe that we are the first squad to ever beat Alpha on at least sanctuary. Here's the perfect proof of our victory
This 1 picture says it all:
For all you high levels out there that think this is just another gamma/delta, I challenge you to make an alt and try alpha. It's easy to power your way through gamma or delta with crazy gear, this requires so much more skill on every player's part.
Wooooo I can't believe we finally completed it!b:victory0 -
HeIIRaizer - Sanctuary wrote: »
our other good friend and Faith's boyfriend ZaZzy played a cleric on another account of mine SeraphiraphEscorian - Dreamweaver wrote: »just cause he said played my cleric doesnt nessecarily mean that he used his cleric it could just mean that he was the cleric -.-;
way to admit to tos violation. and to the other idiot...learn to read.
oh and gratz. alpha is not an easy run.0 -
Foxgrit - Lost City wrote: »way to admit to tos violation. and to the other idiot...learn to read.
oh and gratz. alpha is not an easy run.
and to those wanting to try BETA, forget it, it's still bugged and really not worth trying.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I wasn't going to bother with addressing this because I didn't think people would try so hard to make it into an issue. I'm sure none of the people picking it apart have ever made a typo or mistake after playing for hours on end and then trying to post in a forum when they were tired. For those who are more forgiving, perhaps you can concede that it was probably a typo or an oversight and that,
"our other good friend and Faith's boyfriend ZaZzy played a cleric on another account of mine Seraphiraph"
could be merely a mistyped word at the end of a long day and could very well have read,
"our other good friend and Faith's boyfriend ZaZzy played a cleric on another account of HIS, Seraphiraph"
The intent was to give credit to the person whose name would be recognized on the server as their main character, ZaZzy, so that the casual reader would not wonder why we mention "ZaZzy" when there is no one by that name in the squad pictured.
I shouldn't be surprised that people wish to derail the accomplishment by picking apart one sentence that could be interpreted as a grammatical error.
Seriously? That is what you wish to focus on in this thread? Has it made you feel better or raised your spirit in any way to draw attention to it?
Consider your motives. Consider if it were your accomplishment or if it were your best friend's accomplishment. Would you still feel the need to draw attention to such a detail? Toxic people ruin this game for so many others. I urge you not to be one of them.0 -
I log in to my friend's pc via remote assistance all the time and help with quests, UI problems etc. is she violating ToS when she's sitting at the PC and I'm just controling it? I think not.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
I couldntve said it any better then Lisera, please make this post about alpha/sharing experiences and into something that encourages others to try it too.My caracters:
Faith_z - 7x Cleric (main)
HaveFaith_z - 5x Veno
Ivory_Soul -3x Psychic
Dont give me an attitude, I got one of my own!
Saitadatude FTW :P0 -
HeIIRaizer - Sanctuary wrote: »After over a month of dedication and practice we finally managed to conquor rebirth alpha. From what I know it has not been done yet on at least the sanctuary server. This is by far THE hardest rebirth level of them all. Realize you don't have BB, and you don't have barrage, or sharpened tooth arrow at this level. This is only possible with the help of the blessings, genies, and event hp food and alot of apothecary items. And of course the right squad of skilled people who know what they're doing.
Me and a few of my close friends had to fail many times to learn what to do and when to do it. I played the barb BambooAddict, my wife Indigo_Sky played the wizard VioletSpark, our good friend Faith_z played her cleric, and our other good friend and Faith's boyfriend ZaZzy played a cleric on another account of mine Seraphiraph, and our good friend FOLLADOR played his BM. We also had the help of a first timer wizard Halindaro, who did excellent for his first run.
If anyone has proof of them completing this level of rebirth I'd appreciate if they'd post their screenshot somewhere. Until then I will believe that we are the first squad to ever beat Alpha on at least sanctuary. Here's the perfect proof of our victory
Wooooo I can't believe we finally completed it!b:victory
Hello. Congratulations to all of you on completing Rebirth Alpha. That's very impressive. I am happy for you all. I realize it is not exactly a priority, although I do wish there were more screenshots or some HD video footage of the victory as well. Nevertheless, Good work
I set a personal goal to complete Rebirth Beta before leveling out. It was nice to discuss Alpha and beta with you in-game. I look forward to doing Beta with you in the near future.
Account sharing. Is it against the Tos? I don't know. Is it in the official Tos? I don't know. What I can say about it is the following:
There are many things which the Tos does not clearly and concisely define each and all transgressions which a user may commit. That is because there is not always a "Black and white" representation of right and wrong and simply because a user went for a stroll on the tightrope that dives the two, does not mean they should or can be banned or reprimanded for it. Support ticket handlers ( Or whoever "Investigates" into these matters) may be required to follow up and determine what the embellishing circumstances are for such acts and their potential motivation as well as any aftermath be it damaging or innocuous in some way. This leads me to something "eatwithspoons" stated on my post regarding the rules about luring world bosses near cities.
"Thank you for bringing it to our attention, those of you who said it may be bannable are correct. This all depends on the situation and the evidence presented."
The link to the original post and original doctrine is here:
In my opinion only, It can be derived, These users were not sharing an account for unethical reasons, ( To powerlevel a char, Farm items, Get pk ranking etc.). No, These members intentions are upright and legitimate in nature. I believe any individual in a position of power and good judgment can determine that, even though it may or may not be technically against the Tos, altruistically inserting that information into the forums is irrelevant in lieu of the soundness behind it
Regards0 -
Congratulations b:victory b:victory b:victoryCharacters:
-Faction- RedWave
Tala_IaRooga (76) Venomancer (retired) -Marshal-
Andros_Ry (62) Blademaster -Director-
Ajaa (73) Assassin -Leader-
Arael_Mae (23) Cleric -Marshal-0 -
Xeian - Dreamweaver wrote: »I log in to my friend's pc via remote assistance all the time and help with quests, UI problems etc. is she violating ToS when she's sitting at the PC and I'm just controling [her account]? I think not.
that's odd because it always seemed to me that whoever created the account is the one who owns it, and anyone else on the account becomes an 'account sharer' (ie a violator of the ToS). But hey, nice try!
By the way, *pat on back*, great job also admitting on the forums to breaking the ToS, customer service is going to have a field day when they get in to work on Monday b:pleased0 -
Kannone - Heavens Tear wrote: »
that's odd because it always seemed to me that whoever created the account is the one who owns it, and anyone else on the account becomes an 'account sharer' (ie a violator of the ToS). But hey, nice try!
By the way, *pat on back*, great job also admitting on the forums to breaking the ToS, customer service is going to have a field day when they get in to work on Monday b:pleased
I don't think that's breaking the ToS. That means that any time that someone watches over your shoulder and maybe clicks something ingame is violation. I've had remote assistance, and it's almost the exact same as that. Just the 'leaning over the shoulder' is long-distance. Also, logs in=she logs into remote assistance, idiot. Not logs into the friend's account. I doubt she's had to use (or even knows) the account info at all.
Hey! I let my cousin play on my cleric for a few hours to try out PWI when he visited last summer. Might as well ban me too, Right? (Seriously, if me letting my cousin play on my cleric on my computer is bannable, ban me. That's just stupid.)
That's what she was doing. PWI was still on the same computer, from the same area. What programs you run outside of PWI (as long as they don't illegally modify PWI-- like botting) are NOT PWI's BUSINESS. What she hooks her mouse up to is not PWI's business.0 -
Thanx to all staying on topic and congratulating us
@ the people still on about the alleged account sharing- be bothered enough to read the post of Lisera on that, and then if you still have something to discuss about it please make another topic.
This was intended as a topic on completing alpha and sharing experiences, and again i would like to ask everyone to keep it that way.
Thank youMy caracters:
Faith_z - 7x Cleric (main)
HaveFaith_z - 5x Veno
Ivory_Soul -3x Psychic
Dont give me an attitude, I got one of my own!
Saitadatude FTW :P0 -
Faith_z - Sanctuary wrote: »Thanx to all staying on topic and congratulating us
@ the people still on about the alleged account sharing- be bothered enough to read the post of Lisera on that, and then if you still have something to discuss about it please make another topic.
This was intended as a topic on completing alpha and sharing experiences, and again i would like to ask everyone to keep it that way.
Thank you
Sorry. b:surrender
Gratz, btw.Sadly, with the idiots that pointed out that one sentence in the first place, this is probably gonna be locked and/or moved on Monday.
Never been in any rebirth. Looking forward to it when I get to a good level to complete some kind of rebirth on my wizzie/cleric. (doing it on my veno seems boring) Just gotta find someone to teach me how, now. >>0 -
Well if you do have a cleric caracter it would be seriously good to do rebirth alpha, find some people that know what to do or a squad willing to teach. It really helped me to do rebirth and knowing how a squad can function, wich will only be an advantage for me in the long run i think. So DO ITT :P
When you dont have a squad that can teach you, you know where to find the forum, im sure one of us will see it and give you answers to any questions:)
Argh i became a alpha junky lol.My caracters:
Faith_z - 7x Cleric (main)
HaveFaith_z - 5x Veno
Ivory_Soul -3x Psychic
Dont give me an attitude, I got one of my own!
Saitadatude FTW :P0 -
LMAO @ all these people making a big deal of letting someone use an account. So tell me, when you're away for a few days and say ask a friend to do your dailies, is that not the same thing?? He used my character for one run of rebirth alpha. Grow up and get a life0
HeIIRaizer - Sanctuary wrote: »LMAO @ all these people making a big deal of letting someone use an account. So tell me, when you're away for a few days and say ask a friend to do your dailies, is that not the same thing?? Grow up you **** kids, get a life.
They just want to be special and think they are accomplishing something.
That's what I'm getting out of it anyways.
They all played legit and accomplished something not a lot of people have done, so congrats to OP's. b:victory0 -
Congrats guys!
I know how tough RB alpha is from my runs with Cholla. I think you guys may be the first across any server to do this.
Mind sharing your strategy?
Grats again!0 -
(i still vote for a auto heal button so clerics get a pee break too :P)
You actually can do that you know. Theres a little thing called a macro. ANd you can loop them too.
At the beginning of the macro put the blue arrow thing (it says walk behind enemy but its actually translated wrong, it should mean loop) then fill the rest of the slots with ironhearts/purify/chromatic etc.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
|Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
|Inactive: StormHydra - Sanctuary, Archer|
|Call of Duty: Black Ops|League of Legends|Forsaken World|Perfect World International|The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim|0 -
Nukesrus - Harshlands wrote: »Congrats guys!
I know how tough RB alpha is from my runs with Cholla. I think you guys may be the first across any server to do this.
Mind sharing your strategy?
Grats again!
Lmao no they are just the first that cared so much as to take multiable photos and even say they beat it. And their stragety is Simple, just like my last post f u see the photos, they have A BMMMMM!!!!! its simple,Most Ironic phrase in the English language is Common Sense, its easiest concept to understand yet few people ever grasp it.
~Silver0 -
Nukesrus - Harshlands wrote: »Congrats guys!
I know how tough RB alpha is from my runs with Cholla. I think you guys may be the first across any server to do this.
Mind sharing your strategy?
Grats again!
I think more information on how this was done exactly at each stage, Some insight to which gear was used , leveled player skills and genie skills used for each class would be great.
Regards0 -
Kannone - Heavens Tear wrote: »
that's odd because it always seemed to me that whoever created the account is the one who owns it, and anyone else on the account becomes an 'account sharer' (ie a violator of the ToS). But hey, nice try!
By the way, *pat on back*, great job also admitting on the forums to breaking the ToS, customer service is going to have a field day when they get in to work on Monday b:pleased
and fyi to the rest of you who keep calling me a woman: I'm not lol[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Xeian - Dreamweaver wrote: »and fyi to the rest of you who keep calling me a woman: I'm not lol
My bad. b:surrender0 -
Screenshots of the original squad:
Regards0 -
HeIIRaizer - Sanctuary wrote: »LMAO @ all these people making a big deal of letting someone use an account. So tell me, when you're away for a few days and say ask a friend to do your dailies, is that not the same thing?? He used my character for one run of rebirth alpha. Grow up and get a life
If I am away for a few days, my account stays logged off. I don't allow anyone to have my passwords or account names, not even my wife who sits and plays PWI on her computer 5 feet to my left. As I posted, sharing the accounts is not allowed. While I do agree there is a gray area there, nevertheless that is what the TOS says/imply's.
I do think it's cool you guys beat Alpha. Gratzs for that honestly, not an easy run and you do deserve props for doing it.
~Saitada0 -
I hate forums I want this message to be deleted LOL0
Tonight we ran our last Rebirth Alpha which we were able to complete again with a slightly different squad makeup, this time taking three wizards when finding a bm proved unsuccessful. As we did not feed our genies, we gained 2 levels and are now 57 and unable to re-enter Alpha.
I will take some time to share our strategy soon with more helpful details. But for now, I must sleep!0 -
Silver - Dreamweaver wrote: »Lmao no they are just the first that cared so much as to take multiable photos and even say they beat it. And their stragety is Simple, just like my last post f u see the photos, they have A BMMMMM!!!!! its simple,
Actually, we did our last run tonight and completed again. This time we used a third wizard instead of a BM. We'll make a guide some time and post it in the forums.0 -
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