Hai, Vemo. Much loves.
Been saying it for years. +1 /inb4"itsnotpossible"excuse
Math is slightly off. Should be 0.9576.
PWI Trollin' for Cyber-Monday.
WoG costs 1 spark not 2.
Eoria clearly meant 'crash' as in, "Do do rapidly and effectively." See: Crash dieting Please stop trying to twist words to mean things they do not in an effort to ruin other people's gaming fun. Just because it takes some people weeks to achieve certain objectives does not mean that same is true for all others. "I was…
Allow me to respond in kind. 10, (f) "Stalk," threaten or otherwise harass or cause discomfort to another; First off, I would like to say that Im extremely saddened by all the people who seem to have been brought such extreme discomfort by having been PKed. Its obvious to me that there are many individuals who are now…
You shouldnt make up such blatantly untrue lies about someone in an attempt to "name and shame" them on the forum. You should also be careful discussing other versions of PWI on the forums. Please keep the thread on topic. Just trying to look out for you. I think these might be against the rules. Either way: I know that…
How many people did it take to gather all the envelopes to summon the boss? I assume that everyone posting in this threat crying about it participated -- and then some. SO.... How were you all killed by four people?
Belial fund wasnt a payment plan?
All I got out of this thread was that 10 Cata members rolled Crimson and that Crimson's attack plan is still "Full Push Lane B."
Like everything PWI, all things in time.
Im guessing with the declining playerbase and loss of revenue PWI has chosen to save money by throttling bandwidth usage rather than eliminate and merge servers completely.
- 2 HP +900 5 DEF LV +15 6 ATT LV +20
Merging servers has needed to happen for a while now. Anyone who believes that servers are "heavily populated" now is wrong. PK is dead on every server. TW is a joke on every server. For those of you who dont like TW or PK, youll just have more people to run instances with. Ultimately, merging the servers would save PWI…
The problem is that the community as a whole has long since felt alienated from those within the management team. It was my understanding that Frankie's role was to act as a liason and facilitate dicussion (and at times an understanding) between these two groups. In the past, even a simple response of "We're taking your…
This needs posting.
That's blatalantly untrue. Usernames CAN be changed, PWI just doesn't want to do it. I can easily think of at least three examples from HL off the top of my head where usernames were changed because they were "offensive."
There are numerous available options when working with databases that allow for solutions with name conflicts. That's a BS answer. Servers are dead. Merge the servers.
I made the r6 dual swords for my seeker. Then dropped them in PK. Does that count?
Valala Math. Guaranteed to ensure its members believe they just got rolled by nothing less than 3v1 odds.
There are two different Zulu factions trying to reform now and live off the credit of others. You should join up and continue trying to live off the success of others like they are.
I run FC on a regular basis for all my alts. Just PM me if youre 70+ and I dont mind inviting you for xp room. PM my EA ShootnBlanks.
"You're a fail BM. All you do is stun and disable so that archers can kill everything." ~Flashlight
WTB 13278 Devilwood
You're clinging to the fact that you managed to get our crystal down 10% without it being defended? Its obvious this is your biggest accomplishment in a while. Let me be the first to offer congrats for what you obviously view as an amazing feat of true TW skill. Ch'lawl.
Sad fact for Valala is we used a single squad to defend their war until the others were cleared. They couldnt touch our crystal with a single squad defending their entire guild. When catas showed up we completely pulled defense all together allowing them to freely walk into base. They think they "almost won" because we…
As long as the red chat would show up in a normal chat channel and not a seperate window, or there were an option to toggle it in/off it would be tolerable. Having that window pop up at random and cover your character or genie skills is the worst ever.