Gritha - Lost City Arc User


  • ty i've asked that to some ppl but they never answered xD
  • hi i'm cleric and i just wanted to say that fortunatly i read some guides and threads before roling this class so i don't buff ppl that already have cleric's buffs. besides i just don't go arround buffing ppl cause that spends mp and something i really don't like in clerics is their ability to loose mp fast ( i have a good…
  • sorry i double posted and for some reason i can't delet one of the posts now :s
  • sakuracherry is trying to say that unless your pet has reflect skill is very easy to get aggro from healing it, and that's so true! however sakura just try to get in foxform and run arround your pet while you send it to attack all mobs again. it's hard but it works most of the times ;D. and guys it is true: many people…
  • sakuracherry is trying to say that unless your pet has reflect skill is very easy to get aggro from healing it, and that's so true! however sakura just try to get in foxform and run arround your pet while you send it to attack all mobs again. it's hard but it works most of the times ;D. and guys it is true: many people…
  • hi i'm in arch server too and if u want an helpful faction just try to talk with me (XmasBunny_) and i'll get you in the faction i'm in :D. anyway for the ones who can't find help well... if you're not a cleric or a barb then it's harder for you to find friends or squads, specialy if you're in an old server or if people…
  • OMG can i solo HH with glacial walker? cause everyone says veno without herc are useless at high levels so how do i solo dungeons? i'm really concerned about this question and ty for the thread, it will be usefull for many venos i guess^^
  • Glacial Walker *.* ty for the post ^^
  • i've heard about Resolve and Infernal... guess i won't choose a faction for now. Maybe i'll be a veno again xD I tried all classes but veno cleric and wiz are the best!! (my friend will be a wiz so that one is off from my choises :D) xoxo to you all!!