GrEEwland - Lost City Arc User


  • lol... i knew some of that thingies, but never really looked how much hp i gain with ea lvl .. so, yea, i guess imma noob
  • go sage... -> in my opinion you shouldn't balance things (demon - makes att stronger and barbs aren't much of a power classes), you should point the good attributes @ barb... i went sage -> spark is working very fine, am doin +50 chi every time i can... have much much HP ... it's in every case far better than demon ...…
  • i think it is pretty silly to ask that kind of a question ... especially @ barbs... because, when you max your hp buff and go to tiger form you get +60% more hp... if you go sage that % gets even more up... so, that means you get not only 40 hp from 1 flawless, you get like 70hp... you shouldn't put anything other than hp…
  • dude, calamities are very good, and when you zerk and crit ... you must be happy... i have pan gu now, and i sold calamities, though i'm very sad bout it... didn't use pan gu yet but calamities were very useful for me, and they would've been still to go afk and DD for a bit... i had very good dmg... with that dmg you can…
  • guys... you use calamities to do better dmg, and you use them to PK and to tank... i'm guessing you won't tank boss without cleric, and you won't tank some high lvl bosses, i mean, that's high risk... so, 5% of HP (even if you have 20k dmg and you lose 1k) is very easy to be healed :S... just get yourself a good armor and…
  • if i have calamities i can certainly easier keep agro from DDs, if i'm tanking that means i'm on heal, meaning, cleric either spams me, either he BBs. so, calamities aren't doing that much damage to my health. i must admit, i had certain advice from my friend about pan-gu axe. i don't know, i really don't want to go to any…