A Barb, a Veno, and a huggy hare walk into a bar. Shortly after, they were kicked out. The Veno ask why, and the bartender pointed at the no animals allow sign.
Updates -fixes some content -added rewards -clarify some things
bump ~
Why not just make the pickaxes refine-able
Nah not too much for EG just that you must at least have 1 of the 2 class to start temple and to take some quest. The point being is to make the game more balance And yes it would be better just to rival nirvana gears.
there this new thing it call a axes/hammers/fist/claws bm >.>
things is i actually translate this and email China itself see how it goes XD
around maybe 50$ not sure haven't pay anything in a while
- XD that is what pwi should creat not some random future craps
:P minims come in waves both air and land after 5 waves, 3 bosses appear on 3 lane. then 5 more waves, after that, an OP boss charge down b lane and go after the crystal. Do whatever to stop it :P
Um the Perfect World Areana
- maybe you should add this to your suggestion :D a pve TW where mobs attack one of the strong faction land and force the whole strong guild to defend it will actually generate more lower guild
- :D they don't even accept my more creative idea. XD bro give it up
bump come on guy please read and comments on this thread. NOTE: THIS IS AND ATTACK PVE TW NOT THE REGULAR ONE
updated: added new labeled map and attempt to fix some unbalances problems
How nice of you to mentioned my post :D. I actually like the idea the music vid was trying to explain the whole concept of the EG
lol at the mystic part and if you pay closer attention the video show how they try to get the sun in order to restored Lights for the land...
i was thinking of somewhere up to 1-10k books per items needed to reforge an item since the items should be able to rival r9. Also the stats should be like R9 stats maybe since it meant to rival it. XD well i just thought u get a nirvana keys and a tailsman for fun XD.
oh snoopy sorry please any gm move plox :D
remember pwi is actually version 2 of the original perfect world. Which mean there should be more content added since most of the "original perfect world" has yet to be release :P
um r9 Medal of Glory?
how bout give barbs more arggo skill. They are the main tank. But spamming the old one over and over really not that interesting.
I say give barbs more arggo skill because spamming the same one over and over really hurt the keyboard >.>
no more class we need rework on old class not more
QQ please don't give them any sale idea >.> it already ruin the economy enough
how bout rework fc so that you cannot give power level
It is not quite the same. For this Tw is when wraiths attack us not we attack it