Point taken. I had forgotten about that buff. That's clearly more effective than the additional coins (though having both would be ideal.) Thanks for the reminder.
No, I've been here all along. I'm just trying to make sense of why I'm suddenly prey instead of predator. I'm guessing, since the spirit coins have not been around for very long. I'm certainly willing to entertain any other guesses because the debacle I just experienced was shocking. Loser? Me? Because I'm trying to…
One got a code.
Players will adjust to the new realities or they'll move on. 'preciate the effort to let us know what to expect.
I'm gonna take a pass on this. Those with a ton of money are gonna buy the Scrolls of Tome. Those who think this is an actual game of chance are gonna sink a lot of money into the SoT only to have comparable odds to getting one out of a pack. (No, I haven't done the math on that hyperbolic assertion and yes, I realize that…
The whole internet just went to ****. Not just PWI.
Thank y'sir.
Has anyone found a listing for the pack in the database?
How could you have decided your post belongs in this thread without having read the answer to that question?
I don't get the joke. Correct or not, it's not a ridiculous concept.
Obviously not.
I'll be back after work. See you all then.
You made baby grammar cry.
They fixed my sore foot by enticing me to stay off it and sit in front of my computer throughout the entire Christmas break. Thanks for your attention to my health PWI. Could you do something to fix my wife? She's been kinda cranky lately.
Ah. Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification.
I have no knowledge of the mechanics of NW but I find suspect the assertion that which nation you're in has no bearing on your reward. The final popup shows the number of tokens awarded to each nation, corresponding to the nations' scores. Those tokens are divided among the participants so how could it not be relevant? I…
Of course you can. If my neighbor leaves his door unlocked, he's negligent. If I walk in and steal his stuff, I'm accountable for theft. wow. just ....... wow Translation: If you're not cheating, something's wrong with you. You've just illustrated a far bigger problem than PWI's failures.
The doors do not open. This is a reused map (Cave of the Vicious iirc) which the developers modified to create a smaller instance. The artifacts you see beyond the doors are leftovers from the original map.
No. We are responsible for our own actions. PWI made a different mess. You, I and others are accountable for what we do.
Good luck with that, OPK. The sad reality is that this thread has become a non-stop PWI hate-fest. Recognizing all of the frustrating shortcomings of the game, I still play and I still have fun. I wish/hope that the ill-gotten gains can be reversed so that those of us who improve our toons through legitimate means are not…
It is indeed odd. The stranger part is that my cleric has no alternative. For a while, I overcame the lack of success by tagging along with a group. Only one has to do the recharge for the whole squad. Except now, that fails too ..... but only for him. And it fails every time. I'll have to do some sleuthing to see if he is…
Very strange. Thanks for the comparative info.
That's your upper lip you're smelling. I have a legitimate problem. I tried using magic attacks first but that failed as well. I went physical because it worked for my other toons. I realized his accuracy would suck but every attack? Is that to be expected? I don't use physical attack (obviously) in a fight but I assumed…
I didn't benefit from the glitch. I want nothing added to my account in the way of compensation. I can't possibly get what I want out of this situation. Y'see I worked my butt off to get my gear to +10 and get some of the other advantages of hard work and farming. Now I see a number of people whom I used to be able to…
Best.PWI.Christmas.EVAR It was hilarious. b:laugh Let's do that again, only give the snowmen some clever lines like, "Revenge is a dish best served cold!"
I don't think he's being hypocritical. He's using sarcasm to make the same point as before.
Lighten up dude. Play the game. Have fun. You're not accomplishing anything with your scattergun of insults.
DoD responded to that, days ago, saying that the Mirth Packs were not supposed to have been listed as being on sale. At that time, he changed the page saying they were. They haven't been listed as being on sale for a while now. So no, the price is not going to change on them, any time soon.
In before SweetieBot
Has this become the "Let's get as many people to quit as possible" thread?