What's the name of the seeker pls?, I'm just wanna log in the game to pm him asking if I can join his guild!
Every once in a while I open the HL forums just to see how's the server doing... usually I never see anything that makes me wanna post again but... today i saw this... -_-... really? A guy with a name SpazzMcAps(which already establishes new generation mindless and no-skill fist bm) asking WHY a sage bm is not terrible...…
Yeah... u have not been around long enough recognize Rhyme's troll posts... Happy x-mas anyways!!!
Happy Christmas Rhyme <3
I thought in Germany u guys hated Christmas xD
I licked the back of a frog tonight, so I decided to make a post on the forums again...
U just provided me with the icon for my faction, ty!
OH I've heard of this guy!!!!!! He's the one that spends money enough in IG to feed all Africa right?
**** you, I was about to say that!
Catalyst fails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Valalalala fails!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U fail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...there u go, now troll me b:cute
Yeah, 'cause Valalala started going down when Aijou joined, and not like 4 months before...
ty for the video, good stuff ^^
Ash, quit arguing with Curses, you'll get nowhere. Go back to KY forums and upload the photos of the war plox.
Got video of all wars? kewl
Is that a possibility? Nah seriously, I gotta admit, as much as I enjoy trolling your troll posts (which in this thread u made non), what u guys did was really something, GG Catalyst. I would like to read some details of the wars though, I really miss being able to TW with my KY fellows :(
I wanted spirit to make genies to sell... exp was a secondary effect.
Why is the bunny on your sig still alive? O.o
How dare u Harshlands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now Catalyst may start having fun with tws, our plan to make them disband is gonna fail!!!!!
No.............. 3 lvls of argument!
Actually no, we are arguing about the argument that started after the argument of Cata diminish to KY, so, as I said, the argument that was born from that is of Curses's argument towards KY position, on which I presented my argument of Curses's wrong point of view, that ended up becoming an argument between the said archer…
Wow! seems I touched a nerve there or something! Well... if my posts are defensive idk what to call this post u just made xD And yeah, I read and respond yours and other ppl posts, what else would I use the forums for???? to see the pretty colors and drawings??? stupidest argument ever xD And why to point the obvious?…
My e-peen is a factor yo!
Another champ here speaking about factors and non factors... what's wrong with this ppl?, I'm just curious, who gives away the titles of who's a factor and who's not? 'Cause if they are self nominated, HEY! I'm a factor then!!! I started reading, then saw this and... well, seems u didn't read any of the previous posts or u…
oMG FINALLY This totally makes sense to what I've been trying to say for a while now. Most of Curses last few posts (which I pointed out what was my problem with them, scroll up and read for yourself every1) are a total diminish on the effort and the merit KY has been trying to do in the past tws. We all know Cata has…
You are welcome
Oh don't get me wrong, I know everything is farm-able, my friend Baert got all his +10 nirvana gear and love up and down, my friend jOkErFK, who's gear is not that great but is very nice, all by merchandising and farming, uhm, Sint (not really my friend, but I know him, we from the same country and it's a small country)…
Oh I just saw your reply... hmmm ok.... Well... I could just quote myself and tell u to read again but I'll try to keep it more simple for u: Catalyst has good players. Kylin has good players. So, what't the unbalancing factor? Money In my post I clearly said.... CLEARLY said... that Catalyst has a lot of seasoned and good…
oH NOES U CALLED ME A NON FACTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Weird how u say u have a right for an opinion, but when some1 else post an opinion, u say is "butthurt/pixel feelings hurt", and come on sonny! U really think YOU, a nobody, would actually be able to hurt my feelings??? Think again. I don't know u either, and…
How to respond to the dumbest response ever?