Valhalla's smartest move



  • Posts: 401 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    i dunno why u get so defensive and angry. im just saying claiming it was a close war when we monitor the hp of each crystal and are in constant communication and we know which crystal and which barbs are going to die first....we've done enough of those to know when we're going to win and when we're not. There is a reason we've never lost a base race. Hate all you want, but what ive said is right. You can ignore it or troll it an not learn anything, doesnt affect me at all. Sorry if you disagree, but im allowed to have an opinion.
  • Posts: 401 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    If our other 2 catas ever actually showed up, you wouldn't have won...or else would have had to panic and go back to base to defend. Just saying... i said in the above post, we communicate and know how many barbs are on the crystal, when they die on either team and which crystal will die first. Maybe kylin does the same...but if they do then they were wrong and we were right. Only point im making. I'll even say u guys do very well in tw considering the gear, or lack there of you have. I said good fight at the end of the war and i meant it. But dont blow it up into something its not. and it was not a close war.
  • Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    All 4 kylin catas did eventually make it to the base, im sorry that 4 people managed to stop your C lane push for so long (seriously you lost everything but your catas to 4 people only 1 of which was rank9)

    You guys have to coordinate better when your pushing 2 squads vs 4 people shouldnt involve the 2 squads being picked off 1 by 1. The only person who died on C lane was me and that was before anyone else even showed up there (because your push on C was late but I always hang around to be sure no one is ninjaing around).

    Vikkram and Fenris did ok once they got to the crystal but the lack of support was extremely telling as with the number of BM's we had in base we could keep dragons on for quite long periods during thier immune skill cooldowns, which is why all the barbs were dead by 1.4mill on the crystal (I told curses by 1mill all barbs would be down so ok I was off by 400k).

    You guys play decently well for the gear you have, but you still need to improve your coordination to win, its not all about gear (I mean honestly my gear has hardly changed since I was in pengwins and I still do fine in TW's that are dominated by rank9 players).

    I am not on offence so I cant give you guys tips on how to improve your defence against our pushes, but for your support teams have your squads focus fire more and you will do alot better.
  • Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    All 4 kylin catas did eventually make it to the base, im sorry that 4 people managed to stop your C lane push for so long (seriously you lost everything but your catas to 4 people only 1 of which was rank9)

    You guys have to coordinate better when your pushing 2 squads vs 4 people shouldnt involve the 2 squads being picked off 1 by 1. The only person who died on C lane was me and that was before anyone else even showed up there (because your push on C was late but I always hang around to be sure no one is ninjaing around).

    Vikkram and Fenris did ok once they got to the crystal but the lack of support was extremely telling as with the number of BM's we had in base we could keep dragons on for quite long periods during thier immune skill cooldowns, which is why all the barbs were dead by 1.4mill on the crystal (I told curses by 1mill all barbs would be down so ok I was off by 400k).

    You guys play decently well for the gear you have, but you still need to improve your coordination to win, its not all about gear (I mean honestly my gear has hardly changed since I was in pengwins and I still do fine in TW's that are dominated by rank9 players).

    I am not on offence so I cant give you guys tips on how to improve your defence against our pushes, but for your support teams have your squads focus fire more and you will do alot better.
    Have u wondered who in Kylin was in that lane though? Most likely those 4 ppl still had better gear than who was in that lane, I dont know how many Kylin were there but it seems there were very few, but still one rank9 that knows how to play can easily take a squad of r8+5 or equivalent geared ppl. But it seems whoever was in that lane from Ky recognized they played badly.

    Your gear since the pengwins time is still better than 90% of our BMs, r9 is the top top gear but Kylin is still filled with players with gears worst than a r8 +10. My wizard is a good example, my weapon is the best thing I have and its only r8 +7. I saw from a war video that Catalyst not only has extremely well geared DDs but also well geared BMs and barbs comparing to kylin. Your barbs and BMs can infact easily kill alot of our players with perdition and normal aoes, when we need our DDs to effectively do that to you.

    Its still true that we have alot to improve, although doesnt matter how much the way we coordinate could improve it would still be almost impossible to win against you guys right now unless you guys played like retar.ds which apparently hasnt happened yet and doesnt look like it will happen any time soon. Hopefully this massive gear gap will shrink very soon.
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I'm kinda in between Pai and Michael here. We definitely made mistakes and can improve our coordination, but the vast gear difference means even small mistakes resonate much louder than they normally would. My gear has barely improved since PengWINS, as well, but I could barely function in that TW. I had to spend so much time avoiding damage that I didn't have time to kill much of anything. That seemed to be the case for almost my entire squad.
    Sig by Bakura~
  • Posts: 71 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    The only person who died on C lane was me and that was before anyone else even showed up there (because your push on C was late but I always hang around to be sure no one is ninjaing around).

    D'aww Michael. Wish I was there to res you <3.
  • Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    The thing about winners is... they get to write the history books, and they get to analyze everything from high atop their winner's perch.

    Doesn't matter what the circumstances are.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Posts: 401 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    The thing about winners is... they get to write the history books, and they get to analyze everything from high atop their winner's perch.

    Doesn't matter what the circumstances are.

    This rings true to and extent. I dunno how much the circumstances have changed over the past 2 years. At this point if people think this core group has been winning for over 2 years because of gear or luck or w/e, their opinion probably cant be changed anyways.
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    This rings true to and extent. I dunno how much the circumstances have changed over the past 2 years. At this point if people think this core group has been winning for over 2 years because of gear or luck or w/e, their opinion probably cant be changed anyways.

    Only some in catalyst even fit under the title of "core". Ever since kingdom and before maybe there have been certain people that with their knowlege form the winning force behind catalyst/zulu and so on. Do I think everyone in catalyst knows how to tw no i dont. Just haveing the name catalyst over their heads means nothing.

    All those that left zulu and went to form other factions everyone here knows they had nothing on the ones that joined catalyst. Everyone on the server knows catalyst has some of the best players on harshlands they know how to tw.

    Catalyst isnt lucky its more of time and skill over money and no skill. I would say the only luck catalyst has is in these few strong members that know how to tw. As far as winning or loseing is that could change it could never change.

    No their opinions cant be changed but they are not totally off. Some just like to use it as a excuse to fill in for their own failure.
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    This rings true to and extent. I dunno how much the circumstances have changed over the past 2 years. At this point if people think this core group has been winning for over 2 years because of gear or luck or w/e, their opinion probably cant be changed anyways.

    You are wrong in that pumpkin

    We all know you Catalyst/Zulu fellows are good, good players, know their class and are well organized; BUT you also happen to be the best geared ppl on the server along with the valalala dudes.

    The point ppl make is that, unlike valala, your gears mark the difference when it comes to getting into a tw against a somehow organized faction like KY.

    That's how it is today, that how it was when u were zulu, and that's how it will be after u disband Cata and form another guild, you guys will continue to have control of the server, yes, BUT mainly because of your wallets.... k, let's give you more credit, let's say 60-40, 60% wallets, 40% skill and knowledge.

    Can this change?... not likely but yes, there's a possibility, we'll see how things develop.

    Now, was KY's and Cata's a close war or not???? idk and idc, all I know is some1 has to give Curses a lollipop and a pat in the head for winning that war, thing that's what he wants.

    -Semi-quit the game, I'm very busy nowadays
    -Former member of Kylin
    -Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • Posts: 401 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Your attempt at patronization is amusing for a non factor. And your generalization of gear = csing doesnt make you sound closed minded at all. I dunno why ur butthurt towards me as i dont even know who you are, but sorry if I hurt ur pixel feelings at any point. If ur not involved in any major happenings on the map why are u so emotional about all ur posts when they have nothing to do with u or what your doing in game. Im not hating, i actually want to know why you think your snarky out of the loop posts are valid or hold any bearing.
  • Posts: 1,437 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Your attempt at patronization is amusing for a non factor. And your generalization of gear = csing doesnt make you sound closed minded at all. I dunno why ur butthurt towards me as i dont even know who you are, but sorry if I hurt ur pixel feelings at any point. If ur not involved in any major happenings on the map why are u so emotional about all ur posts when they have nothing to do with u or what your doing in game. Im not hating, i actually want to know why you think your snarky out of the loop posts are valid or hold any bearing.

    In a few ways he is right and your acting like your better than everyone just because you own the map does you no credit. Its part of being in the command of a faction ruleing the map if you cant take the patronization then maybe you shouldnt be a part of it.

    If kylin held the map they would get the same hate along with any other faction that could take it. In the end who cares so you take the map zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz dont care so you have better gear than everyone zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz dont care. As many have said its just a game you may be something here but that doesnt make you better than anyone.

    Its just a game why so serious? b:bye
    Fail troll of harshlands
  • Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    You are wrong in that pumpkin

    We all know you Catalyst/Zulu fellows are good, good players, know their class and are well organized; BUT you also happen to be the best geared ppl on the server along with the valalala dudes.

    The point ppl make is that, unlike valala, your gears mark the difference when it comes to getting into a tw against a somehow organized faction like KY.

    That's how it is today, that how it was when u were zulu, and that's how it will be after u disband Cata and form another guild, you guys will continue to have control of the server, yes, BUT mainly because of your wallets.... k, let's give you more credit, let's say 60-40, 60% wallets, 40% skill and knowledge.

    Can this change?... not likely but yes, there's a possibility, we'll see how things develop.

    Now, was KY's and Cata's a close war or not???? idk and idc, all I know is some1 has to give Curses a lollipop and a pat in the head for winning that war, thing that's what he wants.

    Hmmm i remember when it was Zulu vs KY and the cry was "lets see you win an attack war" Kylin outgeared us then you gonna deny that? Thailer stayne o god i could go on and on. It was our wallets back then? It was our wallets that held a top seed Kylin for 3 hours week after week after week? It was our wallets that demoralized Kylin so bad when we did attack that 20% of there guild left withing 2 weeks ?

    I wear more LA than HA and im a bm, Im supposed to die in TW funny thing the only that has killed me in the past 6-7 months ..... a tower. And im at the bottom 5% as far as skilled catalyst players go yeah its my wallet.

    Curses is cocky somewhat arrogant and enjoy's letting people know how much they sux but credit goes where its deserved and i'd like to see any archer on HL take him 1vs1.

    The "core" of cata has been doing it since KD and when they left and formed Zulu KD quickly fell. So keep talking like its more wallet than simple Know How we dont mind we will just keep winning and going afk at S bank directly thereafter.

    but nothing.

    Originally Posted by Tryagain - Harshlands
    I always was a strong believer that this game took no skill. Then came Valhalla, and proved me wrong.
  • Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Hmmm i remember when it was Zulu vs KY and the cry was "lets see you win an attack war" Kylin outgeared us then you gonna deny that? Thailer stayne o god i could go on and on. It was our wallets back then? It was our wallets that held a top seed Kylin for 3 hours week after week after week? It was our wallets that demoralized Kylin so bad when we did attack that 20% of there guild left withing 2 weeks ?

    I wear more LA than HA and im a bm, Im supposed to die in TW funny thing the only that has killed me in the past 6-7 months ..... a tower. And im at the bottom 5% as far as skilled catalyst players go yeah its my wallet.

    Curses is cocky somewhat arrogant and enjoy's letting people know how much they sux but credit goes where its deserved and i'd like to see any archer on HL take him 1vs1.

    The "core" of cata has been doing it since KD and when they left and formed Zulu KD quickly fell. So keep talking like its more wallet than simple Know How we dont mind we will just keep winning and going afk at S bank directly thereafter.

    but nothing.


    Wow, keep drinking the kool-aid. I don't even know who you are, but I'm pretty sure it was the change in TW pay to mirages that caused the TW scene to mostly collapse and players to quit, and not you guys. Although I'm not surprised that you claim that you were the cause of that, since you seem to be arrogant enough to a fault.

    And please stop with the "we're cool cuz we go afk and play LoL". For one thing, no one cares. It's annoying and pretentious as hell, and I see you guys actively playing more than the average casual player on HL.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Posts: 4,943 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I wear more LA than HA and im a bm, Im supposed to die in TW funny thing the only that has killed me in the past 6-7 months ..... a tower. And im at the bottom 5% as far as skilled catalyst players go yeah its my wallet.

    That might be because Catalyst fought nothing but the towers for the past 6-7 months, that's just my guess. Not that it's needed, since you guys are winning, but I do feel bad for you guys having nothing much but crystal sprints for the past months while Kylin's having a ball fighting for hours. God knows TW is the only thing this game has left.
  • Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Yeah, guys, it was the change to mirages away from coins that made all the Kylin members leave faction. They just didnt have the heart to fight Zulu any more without the incentive and gave away their lands out of sympathy and boredom. Afterwards, they all had a party in Crimson where punch and pie was served.

  • Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Hmmm i remember when it was Zulu vs KY and the cry was "lets see you win an attack war" Kylin outgeared us then you gonna deny that? Thailer stayne o god i could go on and on. It was our wallets back then? It was our wallets that held a top seed Kylin for 3 hours week after week after week? It was our wallets that demoralized Kylin so bad when we did attack that 20% of there guild left withing 2 weeks ?

    I wear more LA than HA and im a bm, Im supposed to die in TW funny thing the only that has killed me in the past 6-7 months ..... a tower. And im at the bottom 5% as far as skilled catalyst players go yeah its my wallet.

    Curses is cocky somewhat arrogant and enjoy's letting people know how much they sux but credit goes where its deserved and i'd like to see any archer on HL take him 1vs1.

    The "core" of cata has been doing it since KD and when they left and formed Zulu KD quickly fell. So keep talking like its more wallet than simple Know How we dont mind we will just keep winning and going afk at S bank directly thereafter.

    but nothing.


    When Kylin started attacking Zulu, its true that Kylin had the gear advantage at first but it wasnt enough to actually make Kylin win those attack wars. Usually if you play it right, even if your opponent as a slight gear advantage, in an attack war you can very well go for the 3 hours and thats what Zulu did. Its true that Kylin's moral was low after those failed attacks, but the reason we started losing alot of players was mainly because thats when they implemented that TW change,which was also the time people like Stayne quit the game.

    Its hard to deny that the reason Kylin didnt take over the map a few years ago when they were fighting against Kingdom was because of Over9000 which formed a good amount of the core for Zulu, but its also hard to deny that the reason Kylin fell against Zulu was due to the change the GMs did to the game which pushed away alot of our key players from the game.

    Skills... you will find it in basically any guild, skills to work together. The reason why Over9000 made such a big difference against Kylin back then was cuz they had someone like Nurfed(r8 which was overkill back then) , which many recognized as being the best mage on the server . He came with Over9000 which were a group of people that were used to play together and did it very well and when you have a squad working together for an op wizard, this wizards firepower will go skyhigh just like that and change the war... I can say that especially cuz I have been playing wizard. So you cant really say that skills alone have been making the difference, gears in this game will always play a MAJOR role regardless of what you think. Thinking that skills is what actually has been making the difference in Kingdom vs Kylin and Zulu vs Kylin is being completely delusional.

    What is also wrong to think is that just cuz u r in a guild with a group of ppl that know how to play, that automatically makes you good and thats something I particularly disliked from the times Zulu was winning KY. Too many players that clearly suck thinking they are pro. Im willing to bet if Ligeia had a similar gear to Curses, you wouldnt have the same opinion about him beating any Archer in the server 1v1. I know hes good and so does everyone else dont get me wrong, but dont think hes the only good archer there is. This game is way too easy to play individually to actually label someone as "the most skilled", the problem is we have way too many retar.ded people with good gear playing and alot of good players with bad gear getting owned all day long.

    Right now, Catalyst vs Kylin is clearly gear and people shouldnt even try to talk about skills right now.
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Your attempt at patronization is amusing for a non factor. And your generalization of gear = csing doesnt make you sound closed minded at all. I dunno why ur butthurt towards me as i dont even know who you are, but sorry if I hurt ur pixel feelings at any point. If ur not involved in any major happenings on the map why are u so emotional about all ur posts when they have nothing to do with u or what your doing in game. Im not hating, i actually want to know why you think your snarky out of the loop posts are valid or hold any bearing.

    oH NOES U CALLED ME A NON FACTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Weird how u say u have a right for an opinion, but when some1 else post an opinion, u say is "butthurt/pixel feelings hurt", and come on sonny! U really think YOU, a nobody, would actually be able to hurt my feelings??? Think again.

    I don't know u either, and I take the non factor thingy as a compliment, 'cause only dumbshets think in terms of factor and non factor, or worry about being a so called factor (news flash for u: Nobody in this game is a factor, not even you, you are a kid in front of a pc playing, the world doesn't goes around for that).

    Also, is nothing personal against you, the reason I've been questioning your past couple of threads/posts is 'cause they seem to me completely egocentric and void, and idk if that's how they are really meant to be, and idc actually, but I have the right of posting my opinion, and the patronizing...well, the posts u have been making lately don't deserve better.

    And now, why do I think my comments have any bearing, and why do I bother on doing them??

    'Cause i have a voice - King's Speech.... good movie isn't it, and btw, the current tw situation, even if I'm not involved directly in it atm 'cause I'm not playing, it does interests me, so I'll keep putting my 2 cents for it.

    EDIT: I forgot 1 lulzy thing btw, lol, my generalization of gear = csing?????? lmao, how else does it work for you guys???? did u farmed your full r9 +12 gear being afk at south Curses???? pro, how do u do that?

    -Semi-quit the game, I'm very busy nowadays
    -Former member of Kylin
    -Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • Posts: 805 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I honestly think valala is trying to speed up the map domination by Catalyst so that people can stop focusing on them and more on how "fail" cata will be when we start defending triple stacks with 60 people.

    (hey I gotta keep myself optimistic somehow) b:chuckle
    Originally Posted by Curses - Harshlands

    Sidenote: hilarious name for a boat: "Yeah Buoy".

  • Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Hmmm i remember when it was Zulu vs KY and the cry was "lets see you win an attack war" Kylin outgeared us then you gonna deny that? Thailer stayne o god i could go on and on. It was our wallets back then? It was our wallets that held a top seed Kylin for 3 hours week after week after week? It was our wallets that demoralized Kylin so bad when we did attack that 20% of there guild left withing 2 weeks ?

    I wear more LA than HA and im a bm, Im supposed to die in TW funny thing the only that has killed me in the past 6-7 months ..... a tower. And im at the bottom 5% as far as skilled catalyst players go yeah its my wallet.

    Curses is cocky somewhat arrogant and enjoy's letting people know how much they sux but credit goes where its deserved and i'd like to see any archer on HL take him 1vs1.

    The "core" of cata has been doing it since KD and when they left and formed Zulu KD quickly fell. So keep talking like its more wallet than simple Know How we dont mind we will just keep winning and going afk at S bank directly thereafter.

    but nothing.


    Oh I just saw your reply... hmmm ok....

    Well... I could just quote myself and tell u to read again but I'll try to keep it more simple for u:

    Catalyst has good players.

    Kylin has good players.

    So, what't the unbalancing factor? Money

    In my post I clearly said.... CLEARLY said... that Catalyst has a lot of seasoned and good players, they know what they're doing, but in a tw against a somehow organized guild like KY, MONEY, which allows u to get better GEAR, makes a real difference.

    And idk how's Curses as an archer nowadays, I remember how he was before he credit carded his way to the top (not hating btw, just pointing out), I bet he's a great archer, no wonder why he made it to where he is in game now (idk where that is... but is somewhere)... but if that's the case, then Curses is the best archer since the best retired: Stayne.

    Now dear, if u wear LA and not HA, good for u!!!!!!!!! Want a trophy????? oh wait nvm, I'll give the trophy to the tower that killed you!

    I know there's skill, never said the opposite, we all have seen what money with no skill looks like (Valalala).

    so BUT, BUT, BUT... yeah.... BUT.

    -Semi-quit the game, I'm very busy nowadays
    -Former member of Kylin
    -Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • Posts: 191 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    We have better gear i guess..but youd be left in shock if you knew how many of our people farmed to where they are at right now.... ask PORTOSS if he cs'd all his gear...ask HunterBojan if he cs'd all his gear....ask ShootnBlanks, ****, and some (not all) of our other r9 archers how much they have spent on this game..people would say they are liars.

    point is, complaining about better gear like little girls gets you no where. Get up and go farm it or merchant it.(Just saying in general, not directed towards any group or individual in specific.)

    I know the game is seriously jew'd but its not impossible to make coin and get decent gear.
  • Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    We have better gear i guess..but youd be left in shock if you knew how many of our people farmed to where they are at right now.... ask PORTOSS if he cs'd all his gear...ask HunterBojan if he cs'd all his gear....ask ShootnBlanks, ****, and some (not all) of our other r9 archers how much they have spent on this game..people would say they are liars.

    point is, complaining about better gear like little girls gets you no where. Get up and go farm it or merchant it.(Just saying in general, not directed towards any group or individual in specific.)

    I know the game is seriously jew'd but its not impossible to make coin and get decent gear.

    Oh don't get me wrong, I know everything is farm-able, my friend Baert got all his +10 nirvana gear and love up and down, my friend jOkErFK, who's gear is not that great but is very nice, all by merchandising and farming, uhm, Sint (not really my friend, but I know him, we from the same country and it's a small country) has r9 +10 shet all by merch too.

    What I'm doing here is an observation, not a complain nor a QQ. U said it yourself, some of your members didn't cs'd, that's great, and even if they cs'd, hey! good for them if they can.

    All I'm saying is: Cata has skilled ppl, KY has too, so the unbalancing factor is the money which translates in gear, that all I've been saying for like... idk... past 4 or 5 posts? to lazy to look back... and that money/gear is on Cata's side, like it was when u guys were Zulu, and like it will probably afterwards.

    -Semi-quit the game, I'm very busy nowadays
    -Former member of Kylin
    -Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    We have better gear i guess..but youd be left in shock if you knew how many of our people farmed to where they are at right now.... ask PORTOSS if he cs'd all his gear...ask HunterBojan if he cs'd all his gear....ask ShootnBlanks, ****, and some (not all) of our other r9 archers how much they have spent on this game..people would say they are liars.

    point is, complaining about better gear like little girls gets you no where. Get up and go farm it or merchant it.(Just saying in general, not directed towards any group or individual in specific.)

    I know the game is seriously jew'd but its not impossible to make coin and get decent gear.

    It is really really hard to make coins in the current market. Merching is slower then ever, 2x just ended so nobody farms anything + mats are all dirt cheap and gold is 1m+ (Expensive in my eyes) Thats probably why people think all r9s cash shopped their gear
    rank 9 - 19% farmed
  • Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    It is really really hard to make coins in the current market. Merching is slower then ever, 2x just ended so nobody farms anything + mats are all dirt cheap and gold is 1m+ (Expensive in my eyes) Thats probably why people think all r9s cash shopped their gear

    R9 is the "endgame" gear atm - this is basically the goal for just about everyone in this game who plays even somewhat competitively. With that said, ALL r9 gear in this game must be cash-shopped. The only viable way to obtain chips is though the CS, the only viable way to attain medals is through the CS.

    This means that *someone* cash-shopped for the R9. It doesn't really matter who, the point of this is that:

    1. R9 is the ultimate endgame "goal" in terms of gear

    2. R9 can only be reasonably obtained through real money purchases (it doesn't matter how many coins you have, if *no one* purchased zhen, R9 would not be possible, even with 1000000000000000 coins.)

    3. Someone who could possibly attain R9 will not sell their resources to someone else, since R9 is the "endgame" goal. Selling your resources if you can obtain R9 means the best you could do is downgrade your gear.

    With these 3 things true, it stands to reason that the number of people claiming to have spent "nothing" in the game while still having R9 has to be very small. The only way this could NOT be true is if people were overly ignorant about the mechanics of this game.

    Packs is one example of this, since people don't necessarily understand the innate value of a pack in a real sense. This is why some people can "take away" resources from someone else.

    But the conclusion of this is...the amount of people who can obtain R9 without spending *any* real money is very small, and with the impossibility of verifying how much someone *really* spent in the game, it becomes very easy to "understate" the extent of your cash-shopping.

    Don't get me wrong. It's possible to get R9 entirely for free, but I think many people don't understand just how difficult it is, and just how easy it is to "understate" one's amount of CS.

    I can say that I spent $0 to get my R9. Is that true? If you look at it in a certain way, yes it is. But can you prove it? Should you believe it?

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I challenge you to a Xiaolin Showdown b:cool
    Valhalla disband. That is all \o/

    "The thing about winners is... they get to write the history books, and they get to analyze everything from high atop their winner's perch.

    Doesn't matter what the circumstances are." -- Burnout, Harshlands, Wizard.
  • Posts: 167 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    When Kylin started attacking Zulu, its true that Kylin had the gear advantage at first but it wasnt enough to actually make Kylin win those attack wars. Usually if you play it right, even if your opponent as a slight gear advantage, in an attack war you can very well go for the 3 hours and thats what Zulu did. Its true that Kylin's moral was low after those failed attacks, but the reason we started losing alot of players was mainly because thats when they implemented that TW change,which was also the time people like Stayne quit the game.

    Its hard to deny that the reason Kylin didnt take over the map a few years ago when they were fighting against Kingdom was because of Over9000 which formed a good amount of the core for Zulu, but its also hard to deny that the reason Kylin fell against Zulu was due to the change the GMs did to the game which pushed away alot of our key players from the game.

    Skills... you will find it in basically any guild, skills to work together. The reason why Over9000 made such a big difference against Kylin back then was cuz they had someone like Nurfed(r8 which was overkill back then) , which many recognized as being the best mage on the server . He came with Over9000 which were a group of people that were used to play together and did it very well and when you have a squad working together for an op wizard, this wizards firepower will go skyhigh just like that and change the war... I can say that especially cuz I have been playing wizard. So you cant really say that skills alone have been making the difference, gears in this game will always play a MAJOR role regardless of what you think. Thinking that skills is what actually has been making the difference in Kingdom vs Kylin and Zulu vs Kylin is being completely delusional.

    What is also wrong to think is that just cuz u r in a guild with a group of ppl that know how to play, that automatically makes you good and thats something I particularly disliked from the times Zulu was winning KY. Too many players that clearly suck thinking they are pro. Im willing to bet if Ligeia had a similar gear to Curses, you wouldnt have the same opinion about him beating any Archer in the server 1v1. I know hes good and so does everyone else dont get me wrong, but dont think hes the only good archer there is. This game is way too easy to play individually to actually label someone as "the most skilled", the problem is we have way too many retar.ded people with good gear playing and alot of good players with bad gear getting owned all day long.

    Right now, Catalyst vs Kylin is clearly gear and people shouldnt even try to talk about skills right now.

    I'm not gonna respond to most of this but i will say, you put ligeia in = gear to 99.99% of the people who play his/her class now Lig wins and before you go on to say "Erz is kissing ***" Only comtact i have EVER had with Lig is TW. Credit goes where credit is due i take nothing away from people who play well. I just can't stand when nabchits talk like Cata is a wallet faction it simply isnt true. So if you insist.... Eff it dosn't matter we win eff u. ( not directed at you Pai just a general comment)
    Originally Posted by Tryagain - Harshlands
    I always was a strong believer that this game took no skill. Then came Valhalla, and proved me wrong.
  • Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    I'm not gonna respond to most of this but i will say, you put ligeia in = gear to 99.99% of the people who play his/her class now Lig wins and before you go on to say "Erz is kissing ***" Only comtact i have EVER had with Lig is TW. Credit goes where credit is due i take nothing away from people who play well. I just can't stand when nabchits talk like Cata is a wallet faction it simply isnt true. So if you insist.... Eff it dosn't matter we win eff u. ( not directed at you Pai just a general comment)

    No one ever claimed Cata had no skill. What we DO claim is that you guys are deluded and overestimate your *real* skills and go on a public forum to boast about it and how everyone else lacks skill, when in reality it's your gears making you so dominant.

    And then when someone "disputes" your overly zealous claims, you get all butthurt and type pagelong rants about being accused of having no skill and just buying everything.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    The "core" of cata has been doing it since KD and when they left and formed Zulu KD quickly fell.
    KD did fine for months after Zulu was formed. KD wiped Zulu in a single push while defending Kylin some weeks. It wasn't until half of KD decided to join Zulu that KD began to lose.
    Sig by Bakura~
  • Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    No one ever claimed Cata had no skill. What we DO claim is that you guys are deluded and overestimate your *real* skills and go on a public forum to boast about it and how everyone else lacks skill, when in reality it's your gears making you so dominant.

    And then when someone "disputes" your overly zealous claims, you get all butthurt and type pagelong rants about being accused of having no skill and just buying everything.


    This totally makes sense to what I've been trying to say for a while now.

    Most of Curses last few posts (which I pointed out what was my problem with them, scroll up and read for yourself every1) are a total diminish on the effort and the merit KY has been trying to do in the past tws. We all know Cata has skill, they proved it, but KY has some game too, an the ruling factor in those wars is the gear difference, and what's actually annoying is that, besides Armani, Cata members want the whole server (or at least the forum user community) want them to get say that Cata wins and succes are pure skill and knowledge, and hell!!! there is knowledge and skill in Cata! but the gear that those ppl have atm, in a comparison to the other tw guilds (leaving valala out) is quite large!

    So, as Erzenzia said in an early post, the credit to the one that deserves it: Cata is atm the ruling tw guild in HL, and yes they are very good and organized players, and they have a good solid Core, BUT, that would be very different if that Core AND the majority of Cata members wouldn't be as well geared as they are....

    Can we all agree on that I just said?

    -Semi-quit the game, I'm very busy nowadays
    -Former member of Kylin
    -Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited October 2011
    Graves is OP
    rank 9 - 19% farmed


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