Frosette - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Most people tend to sell the charms in Archosaur (the city) so look there. Just ask in public chat or look in every cat shop. You should be able to get one. Just so you know they are pricey costing a few millions if you want more lasting ones.
  • 1. Yes they are perm and won't expire. However, you can't buy items from the boutique unless you're lvl 10. 2. No some clothes come in random colors. To have the desired colors, you have to buy pigments either from catshops in game usually located in Archosaur (you can't tele there until you're lvl 15 or 20 I believe) or…
  • My Mystic char Frosette. ;D I plan on getting her some fash in the future but for now just relaxing in her 'naked' attire?
  • Minor bug but still a bug nonetheless and thought I'll post it. I see Seekers as BALD people on my Mystic. But when I go on my Blademaster, I can see that they have hair. So I don't know why but thought I'll bring it to attention. Funny bug. xD Edit: I see everyone as bald people now x.x; If wanted, I can post a screenshot…
  • Click on the Server button on the bottom. Select the server suited to your timezone. Then type in your username and password you use for the forums. Click start. Create character.
  • @ Wilou, @ TAnnix Ah thanks so much for the offers of helping. If I ever get into any trouble, I'll ask. @fleetofangels Well since I have made some friends in the game, I find it easier to be laidback so hopefully that goes for you too! I am now part of the faction Electrum so I think I'll be fine with things. ^.^ Feel…
  • Sounds about right. Good stuff really doesn't happen till you are of higher lvls just because in lower lvls you are still building up your character, familiarizing yourself with the areas/skills etc. I'll say around 60+ just to be safe. But yeah this is a game based on lots of grinding, you're never out of quests. When you…
  • You probably already did it but just in case you haven't, if you walk in one direction from the tree you get auto routed to, there is a place where they are pretty low to the ground and you can hit them without using your kite. That's how I did my quest. Don't remember which direction though x.x; But I do know that there…
  • Hello. New to this server but thought I'll revive some life into this thread by posting pics of myself. What I dressed up for Halloween at a University last year.****_of_a_lifetime_by_ketsivaun-d322asg.png Recent photo taken from my cell phone at this promo for Pokemon…
  • Of course you can, VeonitaMysti ^.^
  • @GrimReaperHC Oh it's nice to hear from a mod about how the server's inhabitants are. ^.^ It makes me happy to hear that. Thank you very much for the input and friend offer. @Iiyrana Lol thank you. ;3 @Waterfal Oh ok. I am still pondering on making which character my main. Trying a few factions out and once I decide, I'll…
  • @ Ignathas I am sure I will. Thank you for the notice. @ Lu$t Oh thank you for the offer. ^.^ I'll do that if I ever need any help. I appreciate it! @ BleepBop Ok. :) @ themasamunexero Lol aw. I am sure you are. And wow you have many characters. I tend to have lots too. Currently I have like..three. Probably will extend to…
  • Webcam made me look white like a ghost >:o Anyway hi!~ Got a haircut recently though and now I look like this. I look like **** because I was and still am sick when I took this photo with my cell phone. x.x; -goes back to…