reserved space 6 b:bye
I hope this helps u guys alot in understanding how to buy/sell gold. If u have any questions I'll be happy to answer them the best I can or if u run into me ingame. YAY!!! WE BOUGHT/SOLD GOLD!!
"Transactions & Listings" Now let's take a look at our Transaction Records of gold bought and/or sold. Click the "Listings" button at the bottom left. Here u will see any recent gold trade history. Keep in mind that the Buy/Sell listings in the previous pic will be reversed. Because it will show u if a player has bought or…
Buying Gold: On the right top side (Price: Sell), we see a list of prices people are selling their gold for and this is wat u would be paying per gold + 2% gold trade fee. Click "Buy" button. In the price section, you would enter how much u want to pay per gold. In the amount section, you would enter how many gold u want…
"Deposit & Withdrawals" Now that we have ur password set up we will need to then deposit funds into ur Gold Trade Account to be able to buy or sell gold. Click "Deposit" button and the Deposit menu will pop up. From here u can either click "Max" to put all ur coins and/or gold into the account. In this pic we can see that…
"Setting Up/Unlocking Password" Click "Password" button. Enter a 4-digit password u can remember. For those who have tried this before u may have the "Unlock" button located at the bottom. Click "Unlock" button and enter ur password. If for some reason u have forget ur pass u will need to contact the GM's via game website…
For the specific color dyes. You'd need to buy the Hot color Pack (50 silvers ea) which is located next to the Random Pigment dyes in the cash shop. This however is random. Once you right click the color pack you'll end with 1 random specified color or a random pigment. b:victory
Can someone delete this plz? somehow i ended up with 2 posts. b:surrender