Farseer - Raging Tide Arc User


  • Oh Hi there Sorry I dont visit the pwi forums or post here too much, and am here because someone told me to come take a look lol. Anyways thanks for the wishes, but as always I cant promise anything but to do the best I can, and I hope to not let the members of QQme down
  • well to be totally honest we aren't looking for PR. We honestly dont care cause people who hate will always hate and no amount of Boss killing will change that. Even if QQme gave the whole server free Scroll of Tomes (LOL) ppl will hate us for some reason, you know ppl can always find excuses. The main point of doing this…
  • First of all Bast why you trying to put down my event? QQ Secondly to the person from Timelords, it is really great that you're faction does those sort of things and I truly mean this. I have been playing this game for a really long time and by that I mean before BH and before hypers. Leveling up was really tough those…
  • To the OP well I for one support this idea, Grats to you for taking the initiative to do something fun. People will always have their opinion and by reading your statements it seems like your mind is set on doing this no matter what so I wont try to persuade you otherwise. Although I do have to say that most of these ppl…
  • So I dont really post much unless its something I really wanna say hence the post count. So I have been in QQme awhile and been through different kinds of times it has faced. And during these times we have seen many loyal and unloyal members come and go. I know many of you will think I am biased but I am honestly providing…
  • Oh lol poor Martin having a bad day huh, guess I missed it QQ. Well once again sorry to whoever was affected. On a more serious note great post Ash
  • Sorry if this happened to you or your friends, please let us know who it is (or better yet an SS if you have) and we can sort it out TY