It's 60min for Sage and Demon, but that's only my2 cents. and i truly believe soon enough you will be off the FL of the sage assasins taht you constatly ask for buff and dont take then with you on the instance run :) O and GL finding an sage assasin in the city crowd that has already got sage BP and wants to buff you. Make…
OMG please remind me not to give you the sage BP b:chuckle. personaly I awoid giving sage BP for partys that don't take me with :P (expect friends, but ya they usualy take me with) And for more, mostly I like to PT and duo things with my friend demon sin, combination sage+demon in squad is just awesome. and 1 more thing I…
here is My post made with the exact list. to Lazy to check if Asheera's memory is good b:laugh
nice guide. stick it finaly
so is there any option to test exact join date b:beatup ?
to make gear more expencive to farm so you CS more. that's all i c. i find TT 3-3 fairly hard enough with adition of mob count.
b:surrender srr newer learned English in school, kinda self learning still. but good to know some1 got use of my post b:thanks and HRRRRR b:angry still not 99 and still the books are not fixed, hope i get my 99 in few weeks so i finaly get those skils i supposed to learn at 92. Should i edit the post (don't ewen know what…
many thanks for the information, better late then never. You gave me hope at least b:thanks
Do I understood rigth that they still plan to change the books back to 92 lvl with rigth cultivation required? " have to be done in a major patch later." . I realy don't got the time to lvl fast to 99 and the 92 skils would make my play way more fun. considering the fact i got maijority of the books prepared already.
yes i know it, but it doesn help me to chose betwen Sage and Demon :), i dont want to wait another xx weeks before some1 pots description on forums lol. GM please release actual information on Sage/Demon tideborn skils b:thanks
OK we get finaly Sage/Demon skils, but it there any oficial description of them?? And 1 more thing any information what skils i get chosing the skill pack that comes with 300+ advanced mistical pages? woul apreciate any information on it b:thanks