Wow, I wish I made my character there, I have to pay 30mil for him. u_u
20 and 25, I believe.
Can they be bought from the auctioneer?
I want to make sure before I buy them, lol. This would be all of my money. & I still don't know how I'd buy them with the tokens? The boutique?
Where do I get Tokens of Best Luck and how would I buy the spurs with them?
Is it possible to buy spurs in-game rather than the boutique? That's over 40 dollars if I have to buy from the boutique. x_x
Oh well, every time he rolls around I love it, LOL. So cute. And it's good to know as soon as I get sick of him I can revert him back and sell him for 3.4 mil. :D (I think? LOL)
Thanks! I got it, I love his little legs. Is there a way I can make him faster? Also, does he attack monsters? Or is he there just to be cute. <3
LOL, I just hatched him and he's so cute, he better not!
It's not an egg, it's just the bear. I still have to hatch it? IS there a pet manager in Raging Tides? Edit: Never mind I did it! So adorable. T___T
Oh, LOL. One last thing, how come I can't buy the Nien Beast from the auction house? :u
Thanks guys, one last thing. How do I use wings? I equipped these ones and have no idea how to use them, lol. x_x
Phew, thanks! I thought it glitched. x)
Okay. c: Thanks for helping me, guys! That's all I have to ask. <3
What's the difference between the 10 silver one and the 90 silver one?
Where can I get that? C:
I tried chatting in the WC and it said my level is too low or I don't have a Tel... something?
This about sums up my questions! one more, though, is it possible to get a Chromatic Elk? An Elk is my favorite animal and he is to die for.
7mil, I have another 5 gold I could sell too! I really want a Quick Polarbear, that would bring his required level to like... 15, right? I heard spurring brings their required level down, but I have no idea how to spur him twice to make him "quick." I want a polar bear mount and polar bear pet, lol. T__T It'd look so cute.
LOL, I love Rudy. He's so cute! What about 15 - 20? D:
Sorry, I'm just excited, LOL. I'll try that. Not all mounts can be spurred, can they?
Do you know if there's a forum where it shows mounts that can be ridden at level 10 - 15? I don't know any of the mounts.
Oh my god... that was so easy, LOL. I feel so stupid. :u At least I know how to do it now! Thank you so much for bearing with my stupidity. x) Could you tell me where people sell mounts that are already spurred/low level and such? C:
So in the bottom part I put five, or four?, and I put the same price as the one I highlight in the green text?
I put in 1500000 and 4, then when I click confirm "4" disappears and it says that.
Okay, give me five. (: Thanks for helping me!
But I have 5 gold, and am trying to sell 4. Says the Silver fee is 8, and I know 1 gold = 100 silver, I think? So I should have more than enough.
I did that and it said account balance too low. :(