Most of the time evasion helps very little, but if combine w/ an accuracy debuff skill like a venos befuddling mist which reduce accuracy by 70% (maxed) or the genie skill blinding sand which debuffs 15% (maxed at lv 45) without looking into str or dex of a genie, evasion can make a difference on regular mobs or fighting…
I actually like this idea. Well for a veno point of view, this could help them in fox form form if it had higher phy. dmg as well. so lower mag dmg. high phy. dmg. high -chan Pretty much gives veno abit better dmg in fox form.
back up i guess, okay not sure if this is due to the servers being down, but i was having an issue logging into the forums i kept getting "http 500 error", not sure what that could mean. For the longest time i couldn't log in to post anything until the server went back up.
LMAO i was thinking of zombieland and one of the rules... "Doulde Shot" lol better make sure those mystics are died in pvp or tw before you walk away or turn your back from them.
About the laser pointer i can help you on that one... pretty much point it at driver on the freeway from the bridge. Could cause them to panic and cause an accident. I'm not encourging you to do so, but thats an idea that you could use.
So much hate. Might do some ppl some good to take a break from the game, they seem to be acting like small annoying children, demanding something over and over again. The game isn'g going anywhere, it's going to be here tomorrow, next week, hell even next month. If all the DC, lost items, etc etc is really annoying you…
Well heres your bikini pics.
+1 Not sure why you even point out that your skills cost that much. It's pretty much the same for all the class's if you dont belive me, look it up right here And about BM having more skills vs paying less spirt is a false statement. So it seem like Seekers need less spirit to learn…
What Wolf said. Lv up Devil then Salvation And on plants its really up to you, I myself really didn't use them for the first 60 Levels. I rather use spirit on a skill i was spaming the most then getting sting. Right now i have sting maxed out and working on creeper. They are two amzing summons, but i wouldn't max them out…
Uh i dont think our summons are design to solo any of them? I can see a good Pure mag Veno doing it, but Mystic's not really. I would rather not solo it because of the amount of mp its going to take for the constant spam heals. I rather save my charm ticks for something abit more fun, maybe a Bh or a TT with a squad. @…
Sorry but no, this thing is creepy. First thing that came into my mind was this.... lol jk not that bad but close enough
Maybe it wasn't meant to be??? <.< But yeah what Jelly said, more info might be helfful.
Another tip of advice, join an active faction. One that will help you with hard quest, and that chit-chat a bit. I myself hate it when i'm in a squad and no one talks cus they are to focus on the task ahead. (If its s run, bh, or fb i understand but if it's just kill 40 of these things or 25 of those things, you should be…
Ditto The game change abit, such as added bugs and mroe quest between lvs. But like you said the players seem to be more about lving and earning cash. So i would say i miss the old players that would just play for fun.
Uh i think your boring because of this post.... Judging a class quickly usual means your not going to spend time to push them to thier limits. Yes they could be boring if you play it like a veno, stay back and let pet kill your target.(not trying to cap on Venos but that how most ppl play venos the first time and assume…
Damn those are some big as knockers @.@
Nope i'm still trying to figure out what they just posted... .... okay read it a few times and still failed to understand what they are trying to say.
i got it in about 30 mins but i did that about 3 weeks ago or something then removed it from my pc. no need to have clutter.
- read this plz
well i'm back in with like 20 mins of in game lost
urgh this sucks
Well the most highly demand class are Clerics, Barbs, then DDs. If you want to be useful in a squad i would say pick a Barb. They are usually in high demand, well next to clerics that is. But also pick a class you wont find boring, for myself i tried playing sin and bms and couldn't enjoy their game play. So pick a class…
Yes they are a new race, and there's hardly any point of grinding, you get more then enough exp from quest to lv you up. Spiritual Adept. Are usually Yellow quest in you Quest log, Press Q and you should just follow the instruction. Pretty simple to do. I recommend using "Find Quest" to pick up all your quest that you…
Do you summon one at a time? Because from what i seen you can't have more than one out. Your next summon over writes your last one, this is what i seen with my summons atleast.
super late reply XD Salvation you need to click on who you want to buff and never have it on auto buff. Reason is that if she attacks and she can cast the buff, she'll cast it then attack the mob. Even though no one gets the buff. So waste of mp. About the Mp drain, I farmed ahead of time before mystics came out so i'm…
Why dont we all just spam a GM asking it to be removed it today, just keep spaming their inbox until something is done about it.
I would have to say no, I saw on a another mystic that did open it that they have a time weapon. so unless you want a time weapons at lv 50 that only last 2 weeks until you get to your lv 60 one go for it beside that i think your wasting Gold on it. but pass that i'm not sure what kinda of rewards the Supply Stash might…
Got my Mystic to lv 51 with out doing frost or using hyper stones ^_^ yay. And for Seeker lv 0, most likely not going to touch the class, I'm more of a caster type player.