QQ! Quit! Quit! QQ! Quit! Quit! Stress! Stress! Stress! Over a Game! Game! :D!
I believe that in reality we all are forgeting the major factor here and that is this is just a game people, :D.
Yes lock this thread. You people are sick, making fun of others. Who would do something like that? Anyways, R.I.P. Telnryan.
I don't know Aximal but may he rest in peace. My heart goes out to his family and friends. Best wishes to them.
I think FailedSlaughter is failed to the failess :P.
Yeah, I agree, people who go on world chat and use profanity to make others feel bad, should be banned, :).
I also saw the said name person talking on World Chat and in Western District. I for one think he's one cool guy. But I don't know that's just me.