well thx for post and the infob:victory
lol, i need help too, i also looked in what you said and nothing came up. I need help!!!
ppls i kow about the other flying mounts but they ar hard **** to get and no one in all of perfect world has one, let me reapet NO ONE!!!!! but thx for the suggestions, and plus the new hawk mount came out(my idea)
LOL!!!!!!!!!! sorry folks thought i was in wrong post
I played runescape, for 1 year and 48 dyas(i like to count for how long i play) but then pvp startet(killed it)
Thank you, at least someone is at my side.
i agree as well, kinda funny too.
you know what, **** this
i agree with this all the way, because its not fair that weak factions get always owned and the stronger ones always win, for example BloodLusT owns and so does Nefarious, to finish off i think this is a very good idea.
I agree with this expesually with the more ranks and more people to be in them, like marshal only has four them. and to find them in the map,that would be cool.
**** wrong one again
I agree with this too, its not fair that weak factions always loose in TW and get owned by better ones like BloodLusT or Nefarious, its sucks bad!!!!!!
ROFLMFAO wrong post
I agree with this too, its not fair that weak factions always loose in TW and get owned by better ones like BloodLusT or Nefarious, its sucks bad!!!!!!
Now this is more like, nice idea =]