Eliatron - Lost City Arc User


  • They dont!!! Dont ever learn those skills!!!! WHY? SP!!!!!!!!!!! You dont have enough sp. You get the same bonus from individuals buff than from AoE ones, only difference is time. And you can always stop to rebuff squad. Mana cost is not really important, what matters is cost in SP. You will only have enough sp from lvl…
  • I believe fyling base speed is 1.5 and then +whatever... Speed on Char option is now shown, and neither you will notice a change in speed, its only a +0.2 m/s.
  • Well... its like when in my country ppl were throwing away milk to make price stay at a certain point. Its economics things. Less pets, higher price, because its a premium item. It kinda suxs, but you cant do nothing about this. If a glitch is being use, its one thing, but if normal players go and kill it, well, they are…
  • I really dont think theyre overpowered, they just have different skills. Yes,they can solo, but they cant go zhen, fast way of hp. When do you need a veno in party? only at fbs and hh, no more. At zhen not needed, at normal parties either, its ten times better a cleric, wizard or archer. Venos solo a lot xD, thats why they…
  • Wel... If you read at the top of this forum there are a lots of guild which have all the clerics types available.
  • LadyTwilight you really dont get it. Clerics can revive, yes, but why should I revive everyone? Its not my job, thats why you have a guild, let them take the work to travel half the world. Besides clerics are NOT MEANT to help. What the hell is that? Clerics are players just everyone else, you dont play a char to help…
  • You can always zhen 10 hours a day xD
  • Swords? ... Paladin? Theres no such concept in PW, but good luck xD
  • Wel... clerics are meant to be a support class actually. True they can be Full Attack, but many of their skills are poited towards support. Debuffs and others are to help char to kill the mob. Plume shell has a channel of 0.5, that means thats almost impossible to be interrupted. You only have to cast that and youre saved…
  • The only thing that I hate is that I pay for others chars mistakes. I generally only revive guild mates, maybe a random char if im not grinding. but if im on quest, a revive means 800 less of mana and that about 6 hits, which means that one revive will make me lose time. Its seems selfish, but I dont think it is. My…
  • once you open a mail into the post box you have two days until the mail is deleted automatically. If by any chance you did not took the item from the mail I believe mail and items are deleted as well. It clearly says "Expiration" two days, so its not a problem, just the fact that you did open the mail but did not take the…
  • Its how the game is designed. Some monsters dont have their level listed. I think is to put some mistery into them? It happens at some bosses at HH (Holly Hall, Twilight Temple) and one boss (so far that I know) at Swamps of the wraiths. Its just a way maybe to make you notice that you will need a strong squad.
  • You cant play without CS... well you can actually, but it only takes more time. Advantages? Charm/hieros dont make you waste time meditating or buying pots. Its ten times better to buy a charm than a pot, or farm herbs for hours. But its not necessary. At higher lvls, in TW or maybe HH or Rebirth Quest you will need…
  • I like this cash shop, its generally not bad for those who dont have money. Whats the point of playing a game where you can only really succed at paying money? Well, it happens here? Dont think so, you just have a great advantage over others that dont CS at buying skills, mats, whatever, but you dont become overpowered xD
  • Ironheart stacks max 4 times as many ppl have said. You cant be support or full attack. Either choice attack or support. Buffs: Spirit Gifts (best for you, increases attacak and heal) Celestial Guardian: hmm, VERY costly to lvl, and you will only notice mp regen sometimes, but when you meditate is good. Purify: cleric…
  • The first one I think is light armor build, not really recommended for me as you lose healing and damage power and no get very advantages. Second one is pure int. Hard in the low lvls (maybe until 70) but then is pure damage and healing, depending which side you chose, support or full attack. But you will have insane…
  • Ok, lets go. SPECIAL QUEST, so we just press Q find the quest coords npc and voil
  • Two options: Press ESC, that should De-select char (enemy) and if no one is selected youre the default healing subjet. Press click on your avatar (top left) and heal. Also remember that you have to enable Ok system, that means selecting the "shield icon" near map (right top) and allowed to hit red players (that means…
  • Dont have coords. Can give you names on map. Cave of the vicious (elf fb) Silk Ridge (untamed fb) Grotto (human fb)>names larger, dont remember it all, its up north of Etherblade
  • Well, you will have to google it. I spend like 2 hours trying to find those nasty packs of asian languages. Id be glad to help, but im not sure if the place where I got asians pack (which link now I dont have) its legal or not. But you will find it on google.…
  • Land mount: faster, need food to raise loyalty, and can get stuck on terrain. If you dont fed it, at every hit from mobs, you will drop from mount Wings: not that fast actually, can fly afk in long flights, almost no risk of getting hit at very high position (+65). you dont need to "mantain" wings, can be dropped (if red,…
  • You have to blacksmith items that requires the same lvl you are to increase LVL in BS. That mean that a sword that requires 2 stones 2 woods and 2 shards and LVL X of bs, the X must be same lvl of your bs skill, only that way you will increase the BS lvl. Unless you reach lvl 3 where you have to do a special quest.
  • You drop it, its no ones egg. Dont wanna be bad, but theres nothing you can do. If he dont want give it to you, is his choice. Sorry mate
  • Focus Powder if you really need them for grinding and bosses. Will save a lots of pots. But in fbs not needed, you just rest, why the rush? For grinding no pots at all, just rest! Or if you are very rich but charms (hiero).
  • Plume Shell is a must for everyone that is a cleric. Its expensive, yes, but youll be safe for enough time in every situation. Hits will burn your mana, but you can take a pot and get that extra time for killing a mob, or avoiding being killed by a boss while the barb get aggro again. Plume Shell is a must, you just need…
  • Not that I know unless they are in your inventory and youre red of got very unlucky and you are white and got the 1% chance. Only items from inventory or being used can drop, but never heard of fashion ones dropping.
  • You can but Sockets Stone, but you need 80 Stones for one extra Sockets, so its quite expensive considering that at high levels one sockets can bring +150 to somethin using the most perfect shard..... 1 Gold= 15 Sockets stones so with 5 golds youd have enough for one extra socket.
  • All items can be traded to others players as long as you are playing in the same server of course! All those bought through Cash Shop, of course.
  • Until now max speed is +3.0.... if you look at forge in 1k Stream city (north west of map) youll see all wings available ingame that are +5 upgraded.
  • Remember also that december 1st start an event being on all server enable the 1.5 xp rate for 1 week i think. But also remember that cash shop scrolls XP wont work. About x2 np it does not exist