Elfangorr - Archosaur Arc User


  • Sounds like you might be doing what I used to do, which is what VoItaire described, using the command that makes your pet run back to you. As I'm sure you've noticed this brings any mobs attacking your pet with it. If you let your pet die or re-summon it only the mob it attacked will come after you. I've done this several…
  • I've only had my crag lord out once to see what he does, so I might change my mind after some more use but I too would like him to last a little longer. I would be happy with 1 min. and would be content 30 seconds total time he's out. If I do change my mind I'll try to remember to post here again. I don't think we need him…
  • Here is my two cents on giving squad members the res buff: Cleric get buffed, period. Then I buff the tank, whatever class they happen to be. Then as we go I try to remember to buff the rest as my MP rechrges. I'm happy to buff any who ask for it too. I've even buffed random people as I pass them around the world while…