As a player for many, many years. I can honestly say that this is ridiculous. Forum moderators are an important role in the community, sure, however the fact that they are being "gifted" items by the head GM of PWI kind of appalls me. The item that was given was unobtainable in-game, and therefore can be listed as an…
In China, PW is one of the top MMO's there. Where the majority of players are so active they're all max-geared out and that's why they need to keep on making a "better" version of gear, as incentive for people to play. Lol. PWE here in the USA is just basically a sponser; technically making PWI a private server for PW-CN.…
Perfect World is near to being done for; regardless of the rumors going around and their constant "updates" due to the return of Archosaur Studio's. Read this and maybe you'll be a 'bit' enlightened!b:victory Once upon a time; In a distant land which was Perfect World International there was the primary development team,…
You clever troll.
b:cute Karma and GD still going at it like dogs and cats, does it ever end?
You people are ridiculous if you honestly don't know the problem in this server. Heavens Tear's PK has been dying since the release of Rank 9, there's a small percentage of the server who has spent much IRL money on their gears to be able to be supreme when it comes to PvE and PvP. Nobody who's averagely geared can compete…
welcome back broski.
Asian uber cash shopper. Worse than most of the populous, surprised?
Guy's lets be honest here... It's all Tao's fault.
TRON will never, ever be anything, ever. The only reason they were semi-successful back in the day was because Dao and Jem were some of the richest players on game (via cashshop) lol.b:cute
desu desu desu
Surprised you're even still aliveb:bye
Not to defend PWI much but in all honesty, I believe that this being their flagship game.. One day, shortly, or far from now they're going to be in a meeting for once and then it will hit them that if they lose Perfect World, they're gone. By then though.. I believe it will be too late.
i lol'd at this.
Oh.. I'm sure PWI's "Closing Time Song" will be played universally soon.
Think I'll wait a month for the real sales.
With all of the bull- that is happening in the community on my server, affected by the Goons and all these other things that PWE's pulling, I am considering leaving PWI aswell, maybe not at once.. But once my friends are gone, there will be one more face no longer on this game.
It truely is sad to see such an old, and active player leave us. Especially on Heavens Tear, where everyone basically knew eachother. Perfect World screwed up by not patching the glitches in this game, that have been around since the beginning of the game.. Allowing Goons to continue on as they did for such a decent amount…
I am very, very scared for this games future. If there even is one...
Having played PWI for such a long time, and knowing the community and players on my server, Heavens Tear. I can quite frankly say that this whole thing was not handeled correctly. When this glitch was around you had members of the community abusing this glitch for months on end, getting the maximum level on PWI in such a…
Merry Christmas!!!!!!!
A select few individuals from Heavens Tear are responsible for the spam and such.. Trust me, come to heavens tear and see yourself! :D They might be worse on the game though, idk.
You're gonna get a colored map again <3 What an awesome accomplishment in this Gameb:chuckle
Aww you know I love you anne b:cute don't try to throw the fact this is a GAME in my face either, mrs *Enrage* leaderb:chuckle Toodles~
Horrible event. They took rewards from the Grim Gamble and changed the names and looks.
I solo nirvana with my .87 barb. Stop QQing. b:cryb:laughb:laughb:laughb:cry
Worst event in PWI history.
Lol trolls like radiance scum, how typical. As for KingThis hes just bipolar.. Anyways for the people with logic.. I think its ridiculous that even PERMA BANNED PLAYERS don't have their accounts deleted, some are deleted by having character edits or some other terms of service **** violated.. But the perma banned…
Cool story, bro.