ElektraArya - Lost City Arc User


  • bro, you're mistaken, but im not her. guess again. and i doubt i'd ever coming back here again, unless they decide to shut down the game then i'll check the forum out one last time =D
  • I must have been really bored today to the point that I came here to see if anyone I know is still playing this game and say hi -snip- Luckily still remember this one account lol Question: so how dead is this game?
  • Aww, hi you two! Long time no see! Well, I haven't been checking the site until recently because school's most over in 2 weeks and that's when my summer vacation starts. Are you guys still playing or did you guys quit as well?? So... Venos are useless now besides a support class to purge and amp people? Wtf...
  • I know I told you I'm ignorant LOL! You can totally tell now =( Well if everyone's running around with R9 +12 gears now, shouldn't that balance out the game somewhat? I'm so clueless now lol I'm fine too. I've just been working and going to school. I'm taking a vacation sometime early next years since I've been working and…
  • Actually, I didn't drop my tome and left the game until after Nirvana came out. I had 3 pieces of nirvana... Nixes can be utilized with demon armor break which makes the opponent bleed from 900-3000 per tick if u pull it off with ur demon iron scarab and your other fb79 skill... I killed a lot of high geared full +10…
  • I as able to kill a lot of people as a HA veno... Stats are just stats to me. You just need an incredibly powerful weapon to make up for those stats. Also, I see your reasons and they are valid =) Everyone just plays differently, just like everyone thinks differently. I didn't like the fb79 skill back then but it's…
  • How come you're not using your veno anti stun skills before you use immune pots? Whatever happened to our fb79 invincible skills? Why are you running around in fox form for so long? I've been away from this game for too long but are there still tanking venos? Excuse my ignorance, I know things have changed dramatically…
  • Not sure why anything in my life is any of your business but if making others feel bad online to make you feel better because you're so insecure then you can have it.
  • CONGRATULATIONS ESSENCE!!! b:victoryb:victoryb:victory I'm not really sure where you're pulling your information from but I was in both Spectral/CQ (had two high level venos in both guilds) for several months before the map reset and CQ definitely had a lot more higher leveled people than Spectral. There were 3 times the…
  • Hmm, no sorry I'm not back. I'm just reading the forum b/c someone showed me a few 1v1 videos of Calvin and [fill in name]. I don't really see the point in coming back since there's no new features that the game provides. It's just better weapons with bigger damage which contributes to more charm usages. Anyways for those…
  • What's your new gears like Calvin? *shocked* You actually managed to kill Elayne without getting 1 shotted *shocked* Good job b:cute
  • You're all grown up... I'm very impressed b:cute
  • Good bye and good luck =) Pretty sure things will work out in your relationship but jump on MSN or something and say hi once in awhile. Take care.
  • I remember this video... You guys left me out of the fun and no one would 1 vs 1 me b:cry Can we have me fighting in the next video? That's like 2-3 videos I'm standing around watching b:chuckle
  • My name is still not on the PvP rankings and I've ticketed a few months ago already. Can a GM do something to fix it?
  • ^ that Also, logging off/closing the screen and reopening does work (I'm not really sure why but it does and I've tested it). Anyways, nothing is wrong with tisha/tienkang since I refine things every 2-3 days for friends/guildies/myself. Got refines +1-+9 and +11 from tisha and tienkang =) Orbs are a waste of money for low…
  • Bictor = Zerhee? Seems like the stuff he would post or I'm giving him too much credit b:chuckle
  • See you on the battle field b:chuckle I'm flattered that our guild is popular enough to be **** talked about by haters like Xtacy. I call KOS on the KFC crew. b:pleased P.S. LOL@ this stupid topic
  • I've killed you all and you all have killed me. So who really cares... Why is PiggyLuv even brought up? Everyone can kill everyone if the timing is right. P.S. Biggy is like the worst lvl 100 mage i know in this game so who the fk voted him as a successful mage needs to uninstall thanks... b:cuteb:cuteb:cute