holy **** the nostalgia i got from that ui
hwat? pretty sure you can sell fashion in auction houses? or did they remove that recently?
Please do not praise the gms as if they're doing anything good. so far i've only seen let downs and no activity from gms on forums or ingame ( they even said they don't have ingame gms on morai ) if you praise them they wont change... not as if it's likely they will anyway btw why did my other post get deleted? it's valid…
noone do quest anymore. it's all Fc.
It's a special extra compensation to those that abused and glitched 100+ dragon orbs so they keep playing after their 2 week ban.
noone has the time or wants to go through a 500 post thread to get an answer. most people just check the first 1 or 2 pages and skip to the last page. this is why everything ever said is an issue and why i feel the need to make new threads even if unessecary because i know that if i post it in a former made thread it will…
There really should be a list of all the gms and mods and a way to quickly see all the gm and mod posts in a forum. like riot does. you can just click a special riot icon to jump to the next post in that thread made by a employee.
apparently lmfao.
tell me to stop when our front page is crowded with active threads please. i'm not taking up any space that will ever be missed. most people visited those threads once or twice then don't care what is posted in there. this way they can see a title and click it if they are interested.
i sell the coins for 600k each, people pay goood for the card boxes. yea you can convert the coin into tradeable ones on a 1/1 rate
regular, sad will the day be when i unvillingly install arc for the new dq reward system
IT FINALLY UPDATED!!! from december the 18th to january the 18th i got 0 dq point vendored updates. now all of a sudden EXACTLY 1 month since it stopped over 550 event gold. lol.
when very large quantities of people get the same lag problems on an othervise lag free server which has happened recent days on morai please don't discurage this as their own internet problem etc.
i just get squads to pay for me to tank on my barb. do so many runs every day because there are not enough barbs on server