EeKuhBhu - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • So question to the administrators, do you actually read the tickets? Cuz I submitted serveral about having log-in problems over and hour before Maintenance (they happened about 10pm PST) and yet you guys tell me that there is server maintenance happening, I KNOW! I am reporting log-in issues that were occurring over an…
  • I suggested that he/she go play in traffic.... Maybe some PW anonymous for his/her addiction?
  • They may know HOW to code, it doesn't mean they GET to. ask any GM.. they don't touch the code. And they are paid to play basically and save your **** from any minor in-game glitch and report glitches to the code workers.. Basically they are the eyes and ears of PWE
  • From what I have heard from other players who played on the MY server is that they don't announce roll-backs till the last minute. If you haven't notice they are being very vague about the situation, so I wouldn't be surprised if they added a monkey you can tame as a pet while they are fixing this.
  • Rolling back the servers doesn't fix anything... unless they fix the glitch then roll the server back, otherwise this will just happen all over again. And again.. (can't people read?) the GMs don't do anything,, they don't work with the code and they don't have the choice on whether to roll the server back. GMs are pretty…
  • The gold trading spiked on Heavens Tear as well due to the "exploit", I am not sure about Lost City though. With Etherblade Lake, there was a glitch where people would get stuck and their client would crash. From there they would not be able to log into that character anymore
  • Hey Barber ^^ Wanna go play in traffic with me while we wait? Oh and for everyone wondering... The GMs don't touch the code at all So go blame someone else, it isn't their fault
  • Good idea on the removing the patch until they can fix it.. Too bad they are already at work on the problemb:surrender
  • why would they give you partial updates? and there is no point in rolling back if they having fixed Etherblade lake and "other difficulties" And with the GM's most of them aren't the code workers they are just around to fix in-game problems and report things. Well snowy/rainy doesn't mean there isn't any traffic to play in
  • Well as stated before, if you transferred the Zhen and bought the stone before the server Maintenance than you will be fine and have the stone still.. If you transferred the Zhen after Maintenance than you will probably have to wait a little longer to get your money back.. There is a financial record that is kept on all…
  • Just a question... have you ever tried to fix a glitch on a server that offer gaming services to multiple countries world round, plus trying to figure out a way to neutralize the "exploit" while making sure everyone is happy about the outcome? Didn't think so. These things take a long time... Patches are worked on all…
  • Yeah.. it helps those QQing about their magical 15 hours of grindtime they would lose if they the system was rolled back... And its Oregon time too (>^_^<) Its amazing how sensible West coast Americans are.
  • Well since the servers are in California I am going to say proably not cheap Chinese labor, but don't rule out the ferrets quite yet
  • Wow.. the withdrawals are killing me and everyone else b:surrender can we get PWE on mass homocide?b:thanks