I got the chests, but I didn't get DQ points for the Chest of Coins I NPC'd, yesterday. Odd or normal?
People liked to assume it had a frontal AoE. It made them feel safe. I hated having to turn it around. Luckily, I don't need them to heal me, anymore. They can either stay back, or get me confused with someone that cares to keep them alive on an easy boss.
No, sweet Jesus, no. Everyone I know returns to bosses just to slap them for past insults. I watched a BM shank Krixxix repeatedly. Oceania Master is the boss in the big room. Clappers and his gleeful little spawn.
o.O Part of the problem is that I can tank. And, in order for me to not take aggro, I have to sit out a tenth of the boss's HP, neither spark nor HF, and not use Cyclone Heel. Basically, I press a button and hope I don't steal or have a good cleric that can see my HP moving slowly down. As for tanking in FF, I had to tank…
Actually, nobody died, prior to the clerics leaving. They just left. And, honestly, I don't need a barb for FF. We did it without one, repeatedly. I've taken my time leveling, pouring hundreds of thousands of exp points into genies, just to grind, BH, and learn wtf I am supposed to do. I figured a month at level 60 would…
=_= We just needed a cleric. One lonely cleric. That wasn't too much to ask for, was it? Yeah, most of the players in my generation your generation. =_= I started in March '09, on a wiz. Sorry for not powering through all my levels with hypers and oracles. I kinda slowed my leveling to learn to play my class. So…
I've also been looking at it, but things never worked out, for me. Waited weeks at 79, to go in. On the day we were set to go in, all kinds of stuff happened and canceled the plans. Got tired of waiting and started back to leveling. Good luck on your run, though.
Regardless of whether this is a necro or not, I need to say something... The absolute biggest difference between a ToBL and a ToL is that the ToBL will almost always be used to generate coins. The ToL will almost always be used to get something else, from the list of gift items. Shards, Pots, Pages, Oracles, Guardians,…
=o Omg, thanks. I never had the opportunity to try a Nob/Pole tank, but I look forward to it. Thank you so much.
That only works if the word has all the letters that are supposed to be in it...
It was a third party link to his previously posted thread about Enrage. You know, the one that was edited to nothing. He saved it on a third party site, gooledocs I think. Anyway, Grim seems to have his hands full reaping Multi's stuff.
It is 4pm Eastern. o.o And, as I said, some people lost money planning for the 2x event. So, they have some right to be upset and impatient.
Have you considered that there were people planning things around the starting time? Now, they've wasted time and, in some cases, money.
Maybe it's just pipe dreams and fantasies. I can pray, though. Time to go grind out a mil or two coins. =_= Getting tired of being 78, but it's the best level for me to grind out coins. Wish my luck.
b:surrender I know trolls, but they're just two possible examples. If someone of renown and respect were on HT, and weren't totally opinionated, they probably don't post much. =\ Can you think of anyone that could fit these qualifications? Just the fact that posts are made AGAINST Enrage means that Enrage, Rad, TE, Drakon,…
Actually, I wasn't paying attention, at the time. I was on PWI vacation. What happened? O.O??
b:surrender Have you submitted your application, yet?
Yeah. =_= I saw. This pretty much means I get to stay at my level, forever, grinding on bladewolves and hoping that it "works out in the end". I was already in over my head, with debt to my goal. 300+m for endgame gear. Now, I have to pay out the nose for the gear before that, too. =_=
Does this mean it's back to hell mode, now?
Hmmmm...... The maximum possible amount you can earn via DQ drops is way lower than the amount you can earn from dropping a few hundred bucks into the game. That said, there were people spending hundreds of dollars on the game before packs and tokens. The only sources of income were TT's, DQ's, and selling gold. Gold…
As I said, I'm pretty hardcore about my grinding. =\ I could have leveled twice from 0% in a day, if I didn't keep feeding my genie. No Hypers or training scrolls. Just non-stop killing. ._.
b:surrender Won't work. I would max out my storage possibilities in less than a week. When I grind, I grind to an extreme. If DQ prices were the same as they were, I would be halfway to my goal, by now. Instead, I am less than a quarter to it.
Well, they wouldn't have been tracking when I got my first 100k, either. Seeing how it was back in 2009 on my Wizard. So, it is completely plausible for that information to be available to the system.
So, you're saying I have a chance? o.o I'm already married to one. o.o I thought the same thing, until I realized that it was tracking everything else for the core ****. Even the dyes and when you hit 100k coins. Why not this?
Anyway, in regards to my earlier question... How likely are we to get previous DQ sales counted? I just need the past two weeks, alone. o.o Not the total since the creation of the game.
Selling gold in-game is the conversion of real money to in-game coins. Ergo, the Big Notes are just fluff. Unnecessary fluff, at that. Consider that a person spends $1,000 on packs and gets, say, 5 LG signs, 10 Best Lucks, and a dozen other things, but thousands of tokens. The money goes nowhere. They have what they need…
You have 0 friends. Maybe you should go make some or something.
Nice find. =_= And that was pretty stupid to be closing a thread linking us to PICS and linking us to...nothing.
Actually, I think it would help the economy and slap the cash shoppers, quite nicely.