Devablade - Sanctuary Arc User


  • You forget MiniST :). He is the only 1 that I have not talked to in ages. Yeah well back then Lunar was no easy feat. Now it is probably too easy with all the uber geared players laying around. My puny lv 96 and gear is worthless now XD
  • Hehe, I do not think I would ever come back unless all of them started playing again. I was in that fb89 when Linesky took forever to finish that damn tourney all by himself. So I think I know who Swaze is :p I would never trust any other team then my original 6 :)
  • The good old days, he never wanted to lend it to me :( Wonder if I should start playing again :p
  • A squad option will appear only if you have a squad of 4 or more ( all do not have to be there for it to appear, but must be there for it to open ) Leader must have curvade quest done And must be 85+(do not quote me on this)
  • 1 will always dominate. If 1 falls, the other will reap the rewards. Nef has been growing strong for as long as i can remember. People leave, they have even bigger demands of people waiting to enter anyways. As long as holding land brings so much bounty, the line ups will always fill up. Even if Leg or Nef somehow manages…
  • edit : bah forget it As for bm tanking.. we can tank as easily as a barb depending on the boss. give a bm bramble in TT he will hold agroe as much as a barb or a herc( without skills). Bramble alone is what keeps agroe most of the time.
  • lost me ? like i said before i was never there to stay. Boy very well knew that i would leave sooner or later. Kinda like a merc i guess
  • I know 0 people in Outlaw i have always found them very mysterious. And i never even knew they had an intention of taking a lv2 land i must of missed that :) I joined Steel cause i know a few people from past times + i joined with every1 that actualy keeps me from quiting xD. Xept Byno cause she is too good for me :D + who…
  • i like to get arguments going :)
  • Boy asked me to join cause they want a lv 2 land fight. You need 2 lv 3 lands and 1 adjecent to it. And second, i joined steel after they won the first land vs Outlaw and there was a no show for the second 1 so yeah... I have never joined a faction for land. My stay in Sepp and Lum really showed my thirst for land didn`t…
  • Afaik Steel wants TW for pvp fun not for the actual land. I joined Steel to have fun killing people and enjoy the fights(sad that there was no outlaw). As far as Steel members ego... if you are gonna generalize you might as well say every faction is egotastic cause atleast 1 member of every guild has his head up his ars. I…
  • The Minions that Astral spawns do not blow up if you kill them. The only time they blow up is if you dont kill them in time. Once the minion talks and buffs himself they are on a 'blowup' timer. If you manage to kill it, it dies without an aoe. And yes like Ascension says if you stand and take the boss when he is at the…
  • 3-1 squad mode has a new quest added once you enter that counts the mobs you killed. It now tells you that you need to kill mobs or the bosses ahead will be much harder. Killing all the mobs before bosses seems to do the trick. It also keeps track of how many you have killed. I dunno what the number of mobs you need to…
  • Yep i had posted a thread about this. After the last patch 1 week ago they have added ( without telling) a new`'anti **** system'. I have sent a ticket, they have responded with no help what so ever. Ever since that patch pwi and pw-my ( maybe other versions ) has the same problem. In solo mode coredash ( and all other…
  • 1-2 i have done it countless times so i can assure you he shows up and drops in mid. 1-3 I have never done mid but i assume its the same. As for 2-2/2-3 mid, i have only done mid to kill Fataquila for claws. If we go furthur we always went in high mode for AstralWalker. Cosmo and soulrriper are only spawnd in High mode and…
  • nope he indeed drops his usual gold shards. Even tho he does i suggest paying to spawn the serpent as they are so far in the TT its a waste not to. EDIT : I do realise my info is slim. I really suck at going deep into details of bosses when you do not really need to do much to kill him. BTW this is all for squad, solo mode…
  • I would like to point out that shooting aur/dimentora 1-2/1-3 do spawn in mid mode. 2-2 mode Fataquila Does the same thing in all 3 modes high damage no increase. Heals are enough. Feng - Different location behind wurlord portal His debuff is much stronger as you lose even more hp over time, his aoe is physical not that…
  • Yes i was there, I saw all 3 of you leave. Darq said he left cause he now saw that he chose the wrong faction. He can if he so wishes. Mini is back pending on the decision we take at the Wednesday meeting. You left cause we threw the white flag. What ever was said about NO TW might have been missconstrued. Now for the TW…
  • EVERYONE knows you cannot beat nef by yourself, he was simply putting it out there that this would be a solution. Now because it was Nish that started the thread, it started on the wrong foot. If any1 else would of posted the idea would it have been treated different? I read the whole thread you came in this thread way…
  • Before i start i would like to point out that i am not an officer or have any power in the faction. DeadBone -> At no time have we ever stated that we WILL no longer do tw. You left simply for the fact that Verge decided to send the white flag. Leaving the faction then saying we DO NOT do tw is untrue. We never declared…
  • Sending a wave of 40-60 attackers vs a faction that you knew had less then that is not even close to being TW action. Why would we want a rematch to see a bunch of "Zomg we want pvp" people when all you guys did was Bum rush all the way to our 16 people defense. Srsly if you thought you would not "clean our clocks" with…
  • Totaly false, Seppuku never intented to become a zerg guild and never will. Anything that says Sepp wants to own the map or anything close to that is false and should just be ignored. Seppuku`s intentions as stated many times was just to control 2-3 land or even none. It would not stop Sepp from doing TW at all. Money is…
  • With 5k accuracy and some luck sureeee we can -.- We might have stuns but they are not easy to kill if the archer isn't a noob
  • im sure people would love this idea, but for now the server lv`s are still pretty low and only about 3-4 factions even have lv 70`s as most people that are lv 70+ mostly arnt really pt friendly unless its for guild members i for 1 would not mind doing some twilight 1-2 runs solo/pt, but it would all depend on who the pt…