lynduras guide has some stuff taht i found usefull. look under the axe/hammer section. if lyndura sees this, thanks!! you made a great guide!!
yeah. that was prbably it. but ut looked really weird. he was ablademaster, and the spheres were clue. thanks
thanks!! it kinda stinks, but i guess if thats how it is, i can deal with it
thank you. I would like to thank me, me and last but definetly not least, me!!
wow you just suceeded in realy comfusing me. good job!!
all right people!!its official. its an archer. i jusst wanted to say thanks to everyone that participated!!!
i just need to know where to place the points please
i dont eant to do that after getting to level 24. it would take all of the work again. and i am wearing arcane armor. how should i distribute in the future? as in, every level, where should my 5 points go? and what should i do with the 5 points ihave right now?
i forgot to mention: you can remake your charactre, or dp you just mean make a new one
why would i remake my character?
what is an arcane build and what do you mean by re-roll?but thanks for replying so fast.
oh well. thanks anyways
cool. thanks
i am sort of doing that, but is there anything ingame, or would something like that be only for higher levels??
what level is that, and where is it??
cool. thanks!!
shoot!! i really want some awesome looking skils
oh yeah. i forgot. i also want some really awesome looking skills.
i cant wait to shoot some snow at some snowmen!!b:laughb:laughb:laughb:laugh
is it just me, or is common sense not that common???
thanks \b:laughb:laughb:laughb:laughb::):):):)):):):):)
what is the time change for eastern time? i live in r=eastern time and want to what time by me does this take place? thanks!!
thanks guys!!!b:laugh
never mind. i figured it out
noone will pronounce my name right anyways, but it is Yaacov. I am 14 and live im maryland. i have to characters in the game, demonicdude and elrohir6789
i wish there was an easier way. thanks anyways!!!!!!!!!!!
you can go up to level525 i think
that is exactly how i talk