i serious, i will do that when i come back home, remove everything in pwi and remove the game. not coming back e ver again goodbye!! ** pwi!!!!!
i no care if ppl ignore this thread, no one misses me or care, i not miss u either, i just want to leave the game. i hate it so much no more pwi for me cuz i will just delete my chars and uninstall this game.
demon spark and auto shoot
i want a striker glare cuz it only sling shot for lvl90 ;/
i am pure dex, it just that i have no aps gear yet ;/. working on it.
i can learn my class by lvl100 when get attack lvl shard and high aps wit sling shot. well if my posts are fun for u and Aesthor to read, even though i am not really trolling. i guess o.o i do listen -.-... it is just taking advise that isn't working i don't listen to, like use better gear, i'll still get killed. i listen…
ok guys, that enough, i just want to know y waste money on armor that have no help in better dmg.....
now from now on, female toons are kos too ... -.-
cuz u started the bs?
and u expect archers to waste time and money on **** only to get one shot? hahahaha! stuipid lvl105 ***** get back in the kitchen and make a sandwhich.
i rather plvl than use those gear .... i did it from 1 to 90 :)
i thought ha would be good on sin, i just wanted to use the build like okoeano did... but i start to see fail on it.
frenzy, tangling mire for pvp
thank u, someone who actually finds aps sling shot archer best.
no ignore he about barbs, barbs are only going to slow u down cuz they slow and useless unless u want to do tw or group pk, barbs are not even close to needed. bm and seeker can tank better cuz they keep aggro easier, even sins keep aggro easier. by endgame, barb is only useful for buffs in pve. u should power level barb…
that class needs nerf -.-
plz, u need a r9 bow wit r9 gear to be a good archer, plz **** cuz u more noob than my by wasting money on useless level 90 armor or 80 or something...
u lucky idk who gm, i report u for harrassment
no u r a troll...
freaking carebear u make me sick... whatever nub go back to ur pve stuff...
ya my trolling my be fail, i just killed a lvl101 archer 3k crit a hit which two shot he.
no spazz, if u quit, don't come back.... like how i sorta quit and play cod, i think i could try out black ops
this is really impossible unless u got money ;/
stink because all fish stinks... well my little sister came up with that name -.-
barb for squads is completely useless i never want another one in my squad ever again because all i ever do is steal aggro way too easy from them and die. pvp is different story cuz they really hurt.
i just got killed by a 30ish seeker... wtf....
i just two shot an archer just now... and got killed by a low lvl seeker looking like a lvl30 =/
and why don't the mods ban the troll??????
-.-" u kidding me? u wanna go near an afk seeker as an archer? i think not.
nvm hurrdurr i think i got it now. i look fan site and i can recover spark in 10 second if that is true. and with 3 sparks and full chi, i can use charge, evasion buff for chi wait a few seconds, demon spark and frenzy before auto attack and tangling mire, it should work! but charge won't help with tangling mire i can't be…