wtf u wanna go in close range wit fist especially against a sin? r u ****? DUMBASS NOOB galvanic charge costs two sparks but u only gain one back =/ how can i cast that after demon spark, maybe i can use it before demon spark? and spark is a fail genie skill =/ i have it and it sucks hardcore. better to use demon spark +…
I agree wit this finally, i get killed by everything in the game... I am only going to be laughed at. But what can i do on a psy? Use knockback on a tank or bm?
I always get killed by seekers even when they afk near me. There is no chance archers win.
ya great minds alike, **** u *****!
omg wtf? really!? demon archers get more crit again? another reason why demon own sage anyday. anyone who roll sage archer is a fail.
i want that archer hitting that much dmg to sin :(
like really i need my 90 gold sling shot that no drop asap
plz anyone lend me 6 mil... i need coin really bad ... i will give back once i get to sale stuff... plz...
=/ i gave up on archer, i just look for easy kills on archer now ... so it is too pointless cuz i die all time and get owned by every class in the game. and leveling too long for another char is pointless ... that why i don't use skill on archer because i will just waste coin that i could just use for equip to use but now…
i hate hugs ... u the one playing a female toon... weirdo. i just want to ****ing own ppl, i could only do that on cod because i hide and shoot stupid ppl in my hiding spots in cod.
u confuse me...
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! I Can't Believe This!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!
u sir r a troll -.- i quit **** because i had to deal with pve once more and worse low level pve again... no way i am going through that again so i uninstalled it and reinstalled pwi =.=
dude, it is really good headset gtfo. of course i am back to cod dumb ****! playing it now!
how the hell u get to 101 and i don't ? dammit -.-
what mean attain 100? i not fully speak english... but i will get to 100 soon... i just need my pvp sling shot first... but first i want to keep playing cod.
ya and i did some pking too, after playing cod last night.
jolly jones blessing, full attack level shard, add damage from weapon, then u have good archer. it is kill or be killed.
bull **** u have no idea how many times i got rolled on my few tws
thanks rich one with the rank 9 =/ ya, i could try do that too with my nice 3k hp =.= thx for the advise... not
definitely never coming back to pwi ever again, i saw that there were update that bh 100 is harder... i already have a hard time getting a squad that is even for bh around my lvl since i was like... 50... i just went rage quit on the bhs somewhat... just really tired of get one shoot over and over, just get to 90 and do…
i already quit the game because it was not playable for me, i always die and get laughed at, even if i got higher leveled armor before, i still got wtf pwned cuz armor for archers and sins are bad, and the good ones that increase aps and damage costs the most money which really sucks. the gms can't even fix the damn…
look i send u a message, go check it out since u not believe me -.- and no way i will go back to pwi =.= i even post on that forum over there whenever something bad happen or when i ask advise. =.= i bet u still no believe me then
im not advertising idiot... the stupid game not letting me play =/ idk why it not opening up
Evilxtroll Level 19 Class: Ranger Title: Legion: STRIKE FORCE JAGUAR Server: Tiamat Race: Asmodians Points: 0 HP: 1229 MP: 1461 Main Hand Off Hand Attack 90 (+4) Attack 0 Accuracy 562 (+20) Accuracy 0 Crit. Strike 53 Crit. Strike 0 Attack Speed 2.4 Movement Speed 6.0 Magic Boost 0 Magical Accuracy 285 Magic Resist 234…
how could i fake a LEVEL NINETEEN CHARACTER U DUMB ****!!!? if i was faking i'd say lvl 100 ranger!! and ffs leave my first archer alone, i don't give a **** if u think i was lying or not anymore. i reached to level 90 like i should have done ages ago and that's all i care about on pwi. u never been plvled with me and sis…
my ranger is lvl19 u son of a b...
i am so going to go play that game now cuz i got home, i'll die alone and not care. i don't like anything anyway.
**** this i am going back on ncsoft's forum... this forum have way too many damn trolls...
on u sin and archer i can kill u 2 shot nab.