I see what you mean there, but that could cause problems of its own since many people like having different characters experiencing different factions. I only play with my one blademaster anyway so this is a problem I wouldn't come across. And Zoe's idea about the faction alliances alliances just might work. But maybe the…
Valid point. Twould be problem indeed.
Ya it would. They could come up in little small blue dots or something. But maybe people like their privacy...
I've the same problem. I have my skill bar full but I can't level my tailoring skill to level 4 either cause I can't afford the mats! Plus farming them takes faaar too long. It's a stupid aspect to the game :[
My game crashed on me so I opened up the patcher but I can't get back into the game. It says "Client running unable to proceed with update" so I can't even get to the log in screen to force log. Any help....?
Yes. I've heard... Things before. Voice-chat can be bad but fun. Depends if people respect it or not.
These ideas are great! Voice-chat rooms would be really cool but then again they could be a source of spam and negativity. Still, don't use them if you don't like them, I wouldn't personally use it but it'd bring other members together more. Maybe even enstill a vibe of loyality to the members encouraging active play and…
Happens to me faaaar too much when I jump off high areas like mountains. Which I do alot. Also when I teleport to Wellspring village I get stuck for minutes on end. Getting pulled bck again and again. It's annoying. FIX IT!
Ingenious. The camp fire part that is. And while you're at it, put in the ability to post flags around the place...
TURTLES!!! I'd so but a turtle if they put that mount in the game. It would RULE
True... But I demand my spaces! They do the job they do
Also, one very small problem. Faction slogans can't have spaces in them!?! It's ****! I want a proper slogan, not just a word or several squeezed into a confined space!
Faction flags!!! They are a must :|
Guild Name: Hylian Guild Level: 1 Guild Requirements: There are none! :D Leader: Dekunutter Site: None. What's the point. :\ Additional Info: Anyone who loves Zelda or Nintendo gaming feel free to join! Pm me for the invites, we'll except anyone friendly and active. This guild is nothing serious... Yet. But fun for all!