DarkReCon - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • Heres the positive hope.. Lets put the ANNIVERSARY packs back while EVERYONE is still here so we can buy that new yacht for X-Mas.. Oh yeah, lets have the snowman event on when EVERYONE is away with their families or traveling..
  • I am so glad my wife has nothing to do with this game nor work for PWI, it would suck to have to buy an ANNIVERSARY gift every day for the last 3 months and for the next 3 to come.. b:shocked WTH are you all thinking.. Do you really know the MEANING of ANNIVERSARY.. 1. the yearly recurrence of the date of a past event. 2.…
  • The bad part of this whole thread is she was making a statement on a possible violation and you all started to FLAME her.. Well.. what I see out of this is another high level making him/her an **** by jumping line in a quest related boss area.. Yes she may have misrepresented her claim but a valid point is another high lvl…
  • Thx.. That helped alot.. Good Gaming and Good Fun..
  • Thats what I meant about a flamer post, this is not about the anniversary packs nor any other event that has been running FOREVER.. This has to do with the fact that the longer they run events then the farther and farther the economic stability is gonna get, think about it.. 6 months ago a item in the boutique would run…
  • You are right about us being just the voices to be ignored but I did have to make my say in the matter non the less.. LOL.. I wont be leaving the game for awhile still to come, I have multiple toons on multiple servers and have gotten my girls into it as well but needed to really say something on the overall economic…
  • I have to agree.. I have a barb in Dreamweaver (lvl60+) and I can take out most everyone and everything in my lvl area.. except for a veno using Bramble Hood cause I kill myself but that is one spell that takes forever to cooldown, can not count that.. After the introduction of Genies the Barbs have become much more…
  • That is what killed him.. you can kill him with 2 plume shots easy.. all the other stuff just made you happy or everyone else wondering "What is he doing"..
  • It wasnt me but it was a good friend of mine... He was a lvl44-45 BM that was over egzuberant himself.. I had healed him since I was a 40+ cleric at the time and he said some heal me I will solo this whole thing, we got to the boss room for the FB19 human and he ran around to collect all the ant soldiers and wouldnt you…
  • I just want to say Congrats for those that won and give Congrats to PWI for another great event that leaves out the working class people that do spend their own money on here.. Friday at 5 pm est, what a brainstorm.. But this is not a rant post, CONGRATS on winners and Good Gamin..
  • No, most of the problem is the fact they do sometimes get reported with Screenshots and still nothing is done, if anything is then that person just makes another account and comes back on doing the same thing.. Also most of the infractions are Higher Lvls and EVERYONE knows nothing happens to them.. I am one person that…
  • That is not true.. I have DarkReCon on HT and Dream... I would how ever love to transfer my toon from HT to Dream just solely on the fact of what I have into it.. As to you "ITS NOT EVEN" freaks, they blew that out the water with the oracle BS so it is about as UNEVEN as it has been in any other server.. the only problem…
  • Well I picked up one about a month ago for around 650K for mold (well could say I stole it for the price) .. I am sure the prices have come down since then and think I have seen them around 600K for mold and 850K for made..
  • THAT is EXACTLY what is going to happen.. I have already gotten massages about paying to do your FB's for my faction.. One person even offered 1K per FB#.. 19K for FB19, 29K for FB29 and so on.. this is another way to **** the low lvls for item that go to the higher lvls.. Yeah Im one of the higher lvls but I was on my…
  • well you got a hand up on me. I havent even recieved a response from my ticket.. So I am gonna guess that it is a lost cause on getting an answer so I have to thank PWI for everything you have done include **** your paying people..
  • *BUMP BUMP BUMP* I am giving this a bump since it was dropped all the way down to the 5th Page and still have not received an answer via support ticket.. This is getting a bit rediculous here guys.. Someone please return a explaination cause right now I am out of a EXCELLENT robe and my 23K I had bid on it..
  • Well I have characters on HT and Dreamweaver and I have spent over $500 on this game in the short time I have been on it and I can honestly say.. YOU ARE b:shutup and if you really do think that way why play the game, just go sit in a chat room and waste time there.. Why play the game if you are going to PAY your way to…
  • no I said I have a lvl46 Full Heavy Armor Melee Veno using Dual Swords that was a much better tanker and more efficient killer then my barb is.. My barb was lvl15 now up to lvl22 (I have a job and 2 kids, cant be on all the time.. LOL.. ) and does not seem to tank as efficiently as the HA Veno did at that same lvl.. As I…
  • well the most part of this gender issue is there is not both genders for ALL classes.. You have male only for barbs and female only for venos, I have ALL classes as alt including a veno and I am very much a male.. I wispered to one guy one day (a barb infact) who was hitting on my Veno that I was a male and there was about…
  • Well now I can honestly say without a doubt that my HA Veno is a VERY GOOD tanker and for those who say "if you want a tank then make a barb or bm" I can tell you all they are not anywhere as good as my melee veno.. I have created a barb on the new east coast server Dreamweaver and at lvl 15 with all my spells upgraded to…
  • well to all you standback and just sleep you are wrong, far from boring and slash and click is really a joke.. Yes it is like a barb or bm but I have a advantage of a battle pet instead of a stand there and get in the way thing.. I fight 40% fox, 40% melee and 20% magic depending on what I am fighting and is a very…
  • Well I must be one of those DIFFERENT people since I have a Full Heavy Melee Veno using Duel Sawblade Swords (lvl44) on my lvl45 veno.. First thing it is a very challenging build but I am not even CLOSE to regretting it cause it is so much fun.. I can average between 7-10 mobs before I have to switch to my glave to heal my…
  • WOW.. this one hits home very much so.. I got a squad together for my FB59 run (wined) and after we killed the final boss I started heading for the center for the culti part and Mysterous Fruit when all of a sudden Im in town.. I asked what the heck happed and got no answer for a minute or 2 when a bud of mine that ran it…
  • If it was only one event then I wouldnt have said my peace, it has been EVERY event except the V-Day event (not the 4 day, im meaning the "Find the GM and get something free") but we all know what a joke that was (not going there in here).. Any of the time events as in this which this is the third one I can remember have…
  • Hey bonehead, I have a lvl61 Mage, lvl61 Cleric, lvl 44 FA Veno and lvl42 Battle Veno that I currently play.. Other alts I have started are lvl16 ARCHER, lvl32 BLADEMASTER and lvl17 BARBARIAN that I dont play to much cause I enjoy the others better esp the FULL HEAVY ARMOR BATTLE VENO that lvls just as fast as the FA…
  • Archers are the biggest whiners cause THEY want superiority over all.. This is a joke, people say veno lvl faster well thats due to we have to lvl our pets and at 15 points per kill it takes ALOT of kills, to get pet to lvl 40 its 950 points per pet and at 5 pets (average) you do the math ---> 317 mobs @ 240 exp per =…
  • Another event that caters to the west coast or non working peeps out there.. Thanks alot PWI and sure do wish you start thinking about the ones on the east coast to, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. pacific is 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. eastern.. Us 9-5'ers are getting hosed again.. Congrats to who ever wins and PWI can choke on their events.. For…
  • yes I will agree to a part of this as to some low lvl's do constantly ask but I for one dont mind helping if you are polite about it, but politness leave the area with high lvl's.. I have more higher lvl'd people just walk up to my Cleric and say "Buff me..", the lower lvl's say "Can I get a buff plz.. " Im to the point…
  • you are missing something.. LOL.. I can move, use my upper lvl number keys and my F keys all at once.. LOL.. Guess im used to it from my FPS days.. b:laugh The other thing you can do if your fingers are not limber enough is click on your attacks as you are moving, thats what a friend of mine does.. If you think it is tough…
  • This is not just for the higher FB'r either.. I will agree that the higher lvls are VERY egotistical and they should realize where they came from.. Stupidity has become very common as of late including down right rudeness, another example is what happened just 20 minutes ago.. I was grinding/farming on Supremes when I seen…