Sword fighting Venomancer



  • DarkReCon - Heavens Tear
    DarkReCon - Heavens Tear Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    fuzzles wrote: »
    No.. most who go melee veno use fox form. It's the people who insist on being different who divide their time between using axes and regretting doing so.

    Well I must be one of those DIFFERENT people since I have a Full Heavy Melee Veno using Duel Sawblade Swords (lvl44) on my lvl45 veno.. First thing it is a very challenging build but I am not even CLOSE to regretting it cause it is so much fun.. I can average between 7-10 mobs before I have to switch to my glave to heal my pet (or I call my Shield.. LOL. ). Between me and my pets damage we average 1600 points per second..
    Why wont my sig work.. Not kool..
  • Kalii - Harshlands
    Kalii - Harshlands Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Well I must be one of those DIFFERENT people since I have a Full Heavy Melee Veno using Duel Sawblade Swords (lvl44) on my lvl45 veno.. First thing it is a very challenging build but I am not even CLOSE to regretting it cause it is so much fun.. I can average between 7-10 mobs before I have to switch to my glave to heal my pet (or I call my Shield.. LOL. ). Between me and my pets damage we average 1600 points per second..

    Yeesh, that sounds boring. No skills, just hacking away...might as well be a BM or barb.
  • AndromedaB - Sanctuary
    AndromedaB - Sanctuary Posts: 1,376 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    yeah that biuld is killer in tw agaist mele but i can 2 hit a lv 80+ that biuld
  • Obsessed - Heavens Tear
    Obsessed - Heavens Tear Posts: 670 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Yeesh, that sounds boring. No skills, just hacking away...might as well be a BM or barb.
    It's a build for people too lazy to use skills, and take advantage of there class. Who enjoy mind-numbing point and click.

    Once again, more damage in foxform, more accuracy in foxform, more defense in foxform, and on top of that it has skills and useful debuffs. It's still melee damage too. Theres no reason to choose "full heavy melee veno" over heavy foxform veno.
  • DarkReCon - Heavens Tear
    DarkReCon - Heavens Tear Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    well to all you standback and just sleep you are wrong, far from boring and slash and click is really a joke.. Yes it is like a barb or bm but I have a advantage of a battle pet instead of a stand there and get in the way thing.. I fight 40% fox, 40% melee and 20% magic depending on what I am fighting and is a very challenging build to give new life to a somewhat boring game after time.. I have solo'd all my quest at this time (lvl45) including my FB's but I do use more pots and powders then a boring magic veno, it is something I was trying out and have actually seen more and more pure melee venos as of lately.. If you want a challege try it, if you want to take a nap while your pet does everything then dont, that was my choice and you made yours..
    Why wont my sig work.. Not kool..
  • Vinat - Sanctuary
    Vinat - Sanctuary Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    like ive said before in other threads, and obsessed has touched on it here.. not being a mage is a defeat of the entire class. being the tank for the pet is also a defeat of the class. if you are going to be your own tank then dont even bother taming pets.
  • DarkReCon - Heavens Tear
    DarkReCon - Heavens Tear Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    Well now I can honestly say without a doubt that my HA Veno is a VERY GOOD tanker and for those who say "if you want a tank then make a barb or bm" I can tell you all they are not anywhere as good as my melee veno.. I have created a barb on the new east coast server Dreamweaver and at lvl 15 with all my spells upgraded to that lvl my melee veno kills in half the time and is much stronger in defense then the barb.. In Tiger form for barb the phys def is only increased by a very small amount (goes from 46% to 49%) where as in Fox form for melee veno it increases much more (goes from 47% to 61%).. I can understand now how at lvl34 on my HA melee veno I stood a good ground against a lvl46 barb and could probally beat a lvl40 to lvl42 barb..

    I know I am gonna get those "you are killing the race and not using them to their true form" but to those I have to say "pheettthhhhhhhhh" and my Full Heavy Armor Melee Veno ROCKS.. b:victory b:thanks b:pleased b:bye

    As to "if you are going to be your own tank then dont even bother taming pets." you just dont get it, the pet is not only a extra hit on the mob per second but also an extra defense as to me and my pets switch off agro so the mob/boss may hit me twice then my pet could take agro and take a couple of hits as I take agro back and take a couple of hits, by then the mob/boss is pretty much done for cause in the time it takes to get 3-4 hits on me I have hit it equal to 12 times or more if I use stun..
    Why wont my sig work.. Not kool..
  • cybluerr
    cybluerr Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    You have a level 15 barb and veno and you conclude that the veno is a better tanker? b:cute
  • DarkReCon - Heavens Tear
    DarkReCon - Heavens Tear Posts: 73 Arc User
    edited March 2009
    no I said I have a lvl46 Full Heavy Armor Melee Veno using Dual Swords that was a much better tanker and more efficient killer then my barb is.. My barb was lvl15 now up to lvl22 (I have a job and 2 kids, cant be on all the time.. LOL.. ) and does not seem to tank as efficiently as the HA Veno did at that same lvl.. As I get the barb higher and to the same lvl as my HA Veno then I can give more precise numbers and FRAP videos, I have stopped playing my HA Veno until I get barb to lvl46 also..

    BUT" as to what I have seen and experienced so far it seems to ME that the HA Veno is more efficient of a tanker/killer then the barb is, this is my OPINION but will keep others informed as I get closer in lvls..

    ADDED: The only thing I have seen that is a noticeable difference is that the Barb does hold agro better but if I have to give up agro hold for a faster killer that can take the punishment then be it, Ill take the HA Veno..
    Why wont my sig work.. Not kool..