Dagrun - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • I chose wizard for I like the play style, even though I did start out as a veno. Oddly enough after I rolled a wizard I found myself playing her more. I've been doing awesome though on her - but the hang up for me is getting all the skills maxed to level 'fore I get to 61; for I'd rather have an easier time getting things…
  • It's an conspiracy, I tell you, a conspiracy...b:chuckle Yeah, I know it sucks but knock on wood the devs can coax the hamsters to start running their wheels again. b:cute
  • Personally, I have a factionless alt and when I get tossed a random faction invite without someone talking to me first it tells me how CRAPPY their guild is so I decline. But send it to me more then once, then yes, going to join to tell them how rude they are then leave. For if the faction is of any quality, they would be…
  • Well, had my wedding ceremony last night - before maintenance. I had invited eight guests besides myself and hubby - that, combined with getting the quests and starting the ceremony got both of us 1st place. (Nice ring that summoned blessing box that is suppose to be usable each day - how I read it - and permanent wedding…
  • Same here....now gotta farm for more. b:angry
  • You'd think with that stupid Beastkiller quest they'd gotten their coin sink fix in. b:angry
  • Good Guide Seraphim! b:victory I know I'm no where near the insane levels, but it's good to know that yes, I can do it arcane. I might need to um, rearrange my stats a tad (put a few in vit b:surrender) but otherwise I've been mostly pure magic. I think the reason why I switched from Veno to Wizzy is the pure BOOM factor.…
  • Trust me, usually there's some form of craziness going on in WC IMO... But I do usually read it when soloing, it can be pretty amusing at times...b:cute If my opinion counts for beans (maybe someday for actual cents) I don't think HT's dead at all - you want to see a dead server, try Vanguard. b:laugh