i dont want to get off thread but, i only stealth on sticky situations and i never do it on duels, only when im allowed to by the other player, and sins are not invinsible,they are just hard to kill, the mystic combo is unbeatable
ok, so if i want to get 5gold (5USD) how many messages should i send? cuz i dont have other ways to get gold, i dont have a credit card and in Argentina we dont have prepaid cards. Thank you in advanced
no, and i really have no idea what it is lols :Pb:victory
hi, im Daggeras, im not high level or anything, but for a while i was in active pvp sessions, i started a guild a few months ago, and since last week it has grown, i dont have a recruitment lvl, and i dont pay for the game either, i enjoy working on the stuff i need, i like to earn it, and if anyone needs help, and i can…
ok. i went to that page. i found what i was looking for, but at what mail do i send my problem? or another one?