Coviana - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Usually (but not always) it's used condescendingly by immature players against someone who has a valid complaint that can't be refuted, about something that unfairly benefits the person saying it.
  • Actually, the price in coins for cash shop items will depend quite heavily on the decisions made on how to deal with the bug exploit for which the current emergency maintenance is being conducted. If they execute a rollback, the conversion rate will be the same 100k coins to 1 Gold (varying due to market fluctuations) that…
  • Wait... it takes 1000 Zhen to earn 10g? I kinda thought Zhenning was a bit more profitable than that... i mean, that doesn't even pay for a fraction of the charms used to Zhen. Unless, of course, you didn't actually mean Zhen at all...
  • you're quite welcome.
  • If you installed to default location, then C:\Program Files\Perfect World Entertainment\Perfect World International\element\screenshots Otherwise, god help you find it. :P
  • One would certainly HOPE that they back everything up before patching... PWE: you guys *do* back stuff up, right? PLEASE tell me that you do.
  • I don't even know what this post was TRYING to say...
  • The other possibility is that the things you were fighting are very low level compared to you (i.e. Green Name) - when your level is higher than the mobs you fight, it reduces their chance to drop items.
  • Resets don't recover the spirit spent on inappropriate skills, leaving you unable to kill mobs of your own level... The only thing that can fix that is spending so much time killing mobs below your level, that you could have just started over and overtaken yourself - or, you could just reroll and start over. In my…
  • It is a coordinate. The world has 3 dimensions - the 3rd coordinate is the altitude/elevation.
  • I know that my first time through, I got confused by the quest to kill Bloodraged Cadaver. The name of the Bloodraged Cadaver quest was just 'Dismal Shade' - so when there were people partying up for Dismal Shade, i thought it was the same quest. It was clarified for me at the time.
  • Not quite true... Same experience with my veno. I love the little jump & spin thing; it's adorably cute.
  • I can *almost* sympathise with those who made their character on the PVP server before there WAS a PVE server... almost, but not quite. When I first looked into Perfect World, the game sounded good, but when i found out that it was free PVP, I completely dismissed it as a game I had no interest in, for that simple fact.…
  • OOOOOoooooh! Thankies! FINALLY! An official answer, after the question has been asked for two weeks, and those asking being directed to something that makes no mention of the topic in question.
  • PVP means that other players can (and will) kill you off any time you try to do anything productive in the game - for no benefit to them other than the fun of spoiling the game for you. If you can handle having this done to you incessantly until you're big enough to do it to others, by all means, play on the PVP server. If…
  • The Ladywraith quest has about a million steps to it, including a couple of bosses. At one point, you need to go to Heaven's Tear, which is a floating city, high above the ground. The only way to get there is to fly, and a Veno doesn't get the ability to fly until level 30 - so if you don't want to wait, you need to be…
  • Well... I'm about as carebear as it gets, and will never play in a PVP environment by choice - i don't even play CHESS anymore, because it's too PVP for me. However, I firmly disagree with the OP on this. I firmly support the idea of purely OPTIONAL pvp/pk mode, and would be displeased to see the option removed - despite…
  • Did anyone here ever play Kingdom of Loathing? The "Altar Of Literacy" was one of the most amusing implementations along those lines that I have ever seen. (and in case you might be wondering, the initial letters were quite deliberately chosen)
  • Yeah... this is why i never, ever, EVER use an email provider with a server-side spamblock/content-filter, only using client-side configurable filter tools (although it's getting more and more common for email providers to decide for you what you 'want' to receive and what you don't).
  • Thanks... Probably not worth it for me then, since i usually only play a few hours per week on the weekends, so it would take far too long. Maybe I'll get back to the game eventually... dunno... feeling very discouraged with the game now.
  • The lower level ones only give 1 Rep and a Celestone Fragment, with an exception: At Heavens Tear, Lv31-35, the Tiger-striped Araneid one gives exp & sp also. I'd always thought that was intended as a bonus for people who actually read the descriptions and try out things that others ignore or overlook, since it lists the…
  • On my first Cleric, when I was just learning the skills and wanted to try some experimenting on my own, rather than just reading forums and automatically doing what everyone else did. My goal was a full healer/support cleric, so I skipped the attack skills, leaving Plume Shot and that Cyclone attack at Level 1. Since this…
  • I discovered the problem of insufficient exp when i built my first cleric - tried to go full healer/support, and hadn't learned about the inefficiency of Blessing of the Pureheart yet, so i never got either Plume Shot or the Cyclone above Level 1... Soloing became impossible, so I always ended up needing a squad for even…
  • I agree in this case. However, I've usually seen "QQ" used by people who know how to exploit a poorly designed game mechanic for personal advantage, as an admonition to stop complaining about it, out of fear that it'll be fixed and make the person saying "QQ" actually have to play on fair and unexploitable terms.
  • ah, oki... extremely odd sound for a gun to make. Don't think i've ever seen (heard) one do that. What kind of gun makes a sound like that?
  • Oki... Thanks for the explaation... That said, i've tried every phonetic interpretation of "Pew Pew" i could possibly imagine, and can't come up with anything that sounds like fighting back with any weapon i know of... any further help on this? Thanks.
  • Oki... I've seen this quote frequently, and i fail to understand it. I understand that by "Less QQ", you mean "Play the game as it is, and if you don't like it, don't play - but by God, please DON'T point out things that could be improved, coz I can't adapt to improvements if they happen to be implemented." However, I…
  • Just so I'm clear here: If i read an ancient thread, and I have a further related question that isn't answered in the thread, i should just start a new thread to ask the question, and ignore the people who link to the old thread that didn't answer the question?
  • A simple rule about quests: If you buy items for quests, you lose money. If you kill mobs and loot the items you need, you gain money. That's all there is to it. ...and as far as 'didn't know how long it went on for', that just means you didn't read the description at the start. It clearly states that each DQ has 10 steps…
  • Where is your money going? Are you paying for teleports that you can't afford? Are you buying the DQ items you need, instead of hunting for them yourself? Are you not bothering to loot your kills because each one is worth so little? A bit of thrift is necessary to keep you from going broke, and if you're good at planning…