Colopatiron - Lost City Arc User


  • good way to put it, im ignore u other person for the post u made u jsut pick thru and see /write how u see fit go ahead. Treat your clerics (and fellow squadmates) well and they shall return the favor. Unless they suck horribly. Then you're SoL that is the point i was makeing that is all i need to say im done with the…
  • ummm point proven my how the forum flames keep flying just keep going this is entertainting how ur so much better then i, o and btw to the one who poiints outs in prevoius post those things, its called"bad mouthing a person" jsut cuase they do it dosent make it true. thats all im saying i let me own skill as a cleric the…
  • again why was i questioned about the QQ part when u just did it?, and w/e about his post. u know nothing about me to make these assementes, yet u feel its ok to pick thru what i say and use it how u see fit. prime example of why i detest playing my cleric on this game becuas eof people like u who think its best to ****…
  • fine use slings/insults start go ahead, if it makes u feel better. if i misread it then fine u dont have to be such an @ss about it u know. but w/e im done with this thread. since u want to just do that, and misconstrude or twist my words btw when did say coldsnow was agreeing with me? where? point it out , btw the remark…
  • theres another post on this about the attacks still happening i beleive.
  • im speachless u took what i wanted to say and put it here ty. here here to u my hats off to u
  • welcome to the new pwi 5.0 and easy stuff. im reminded of a song but cant place it atm that would explain this. but anyways now that u bring that up go ahead on ur QQ and ewasy this and that thread. i will refrian now that u want to exclude the main part of MMORPG from the discussion. gl hf with ur thread
  • so u qoute someone from a different server? intresting, and i know him to funny even more. but he is right cleric do what they can and its the squad that fails not them, that was our point. but if u want to go on the other route go ahead.
  • did i miss something? your right ofc but to rush a cleric and demand them to be as fast as a 9.7m/s barb is kinda stupid, but lets put that aside. where did i say anything about the things u mentioned? there is no challenge in people spamming holypath,cloud sprint,tiger mode. the challenge comes in figureing out what there…
  • sign of a true healer/support class player, is to watch for others stupidy or lack of paying attention. not many can do it , esp now with the sob that demand we rush rush rush and die for them constantly lol. but ur right as a melee player u dont have to watch u make the cleric(us) do it for u, strange how so many think…
  • u must be lucky to not go to the boss's they will wipe a 15khp+ barb in secs then. as i have and dont see a point in wasteing 2 sparks on them half the time. in sot last night it was utterly useless. but hey maybe if i had 99-100+ gear id see it differently, but i dont, i just work with what i currently have and it seems…
  • also dont forget the fact bb pretty much pointless aside from the bless added, i rarely use it now as most boss's will do more damage then u can regen even with high channelin. ihb is one of the best becuase it stacks, when stacked right it can do nearly or around or above not sure 2k hp a tick. its like these people…
  • the main reason we cleric dont play or are seen enought, are becuase players are demanding,spoiled sobs. they beleive its right to blame a cleric for there own faults, and everything that goes wrong. i have put up with years of it. many call me fail. yet the truth is there fail for not listening, useing the key element of…
  • mine was complete duke rose set no one even talked about it yet
  • i rather like this outfit myself how dissapointing