You have to dig a stone for the giant so it can knock down the wall for the next area.
Well LC opened next phase :D
Mercenaries 99% on LC f:victory
LC is at 70% on Mercanaries f:hehe
100% Glut on Lost City f:cool
Male tideborn actually have 1 nipple
Yeah, GV is another term for delta they use on this server. Never knew what it stood for, so I just looked it up. :p GV - Godless Valley, the old name for Valley of Reciprocity in Rebirth.
Such assumptions :o I had no intent on trolling anyone, nor do any of my post make an attempt at trolling. :p I also already explained what i did, so good job at the useless post. :3
West was empty becuase they would disappear every 5 min for some reason lol, and that area is still a blue name area. I went to Elsyium village with two lvl 1's and pked the other alt. Once you get the red name, it stays red name in blue areas :D and you have the ability to hit other players :p And i whited out the names…
Um im pretty sure 10 gold = 1,000. Not 10,000.
11 pm to 1 pm b:surrenderb:chuckle
I read the forums everyday off my phone and I prefer it much more on my phone than on the computer. b:victory
Ramen noodles, no matter how long I am on. b:victory
76.). Go to the mines and set your character to follow the random blue names